“Meet the man who knew and drew Picasso in Paris, Einstein and Churchill in London, and even lived with Errol Flynn in Sydney”
“Kerwin Maegraith, caricaturist, journalist and true Aussie larrikin, encountered the most famous people of his time from the 1920’s to the Sixties.”
“Well, one night Errol came home drunk. The old girl (the landlady) had lit the plaster statue of the Virgin with a candle at its foot. The statue was about five feet high and coloured. A big bunch of flowers stood at the foot of the image and Errol, thinking it was just another pretty girl, made a lunge. Both he and the statue, in a thousand bits, hurled down two flights of stairs. The enraged landlady, awoken from her slumber, tossed Mr. Flynn and his belongings right out on the footpath. But with his winning ways, Errol was back next morning and forgiven. He was about 17 or 18 at this time, as wild a young man as Sydney ever saw.”
— Tim