— Tim
Archive for March, 2018
Errol Takes a Dive
Niven talks Flynn (fluently)
Dear fellow Flynn fans,
Niv the Shiv remembers fighting Flynn fondly.
— shangheinz
Stuntmen, stand-ins and stooges VI
Dear fellow Flynn fans,
Semi Pro Baseball player Fred “Slugger” Graham was as fierce as they come when it came to fisticuffs on film.
But he will foremost be remembered for taking the fall for Basil Rathbone in “The Adventures of Robin Hood”.
First at the spiral staircase swordfight he broke his ankle and then the death plunge of Sir Gizmo (short for Guy of Gisborne) landed him in the hospital for good.
Yet he went on to cross knuckles with the likes of Roy Rodgers, Rex Allan and Jock Mahony (www.theerrolflynnblog.com…)
His give and take on screen brawling sounded like this:
“Fights came easy to me. My ideas to make fights look good on screen were to stay loose and relaxed, a little distance from your opponent, and throw punches. Never throw a punch at chin level because a good take makes it look like a miss. Throw (the punch) at the opponent’s eye level because a good take makes it appear like its right on the chin.”
When he met John Wayne at Republic Pictures, he`d see his prolific puglistic career prolongued as the number one go to fall guy for the Duke.
Had Cabot, another later year regular at Wayne westerns doublecrossed him like Flynn, he would have ended up caputt.
— shangheinz
Olivia de Havilland to be honored
Back in July of 2016, Olivia de Havilland gave a interview with People Magazine on turning 100.
During the course of that interview came an inevitable question:
Asked if there’s any advice she’d give to her younger self, she replies, “Take a long leave of absence from the Warner contract and go to Mills College, where the scholarship I had won in 1934 is still waiting for me!”
Now, I have a connection with this small women’s (undergraduate) and coed (graduate) college located in Oakland, California. And needless to say they were both DELIGHTED AND SURPRISED to have received this ultimate of complements.
I have since been informed that this complement is to be returned and the missed opportunity corrected of a sort:
“We are so thrilled to honor Olivia de Havilland at commencement this year on May 12th. Her daughter will be here to receive the honorary degree on her behalf. Such exciting times!”
So congratulations, in advance, to the soon to be GRADUATE!
— Karl
The Ides of Flynn
Eighty-Five Years Ago Today (Sydney Time), on March 15, 1933, Errol Appeared Live AND On Film at the Prince Edward Theater in Sydney.
Errol was paid £2 to stand on stage in what he later described as a bad wig and bizarre naval uniform, appearing more like “an elderly keeper at a [Sydney brothel] than Fletcher Christian. The Ides of March ended bad for Caesar, but great for Flynn. It signaled the birth of Errol’s acting career.
A superb assembly of contemporaneous news articles by EFB Author “Isabel Australis”:
An intriguing history with some Errol and errors:
And here’s the cinematic Flynn himself, just as he appeared at the Prince Edward Theater, eighty-five years ago today, March 15, 1933 – On the Ides of Flynn:
— Tim
Errol Flynn’s Costume from ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN to be auctioned
Apparently Russell Crowe is auctioning off a lot his stuff and one of the lots is Errol’s costume from The Adventures of Don Juan (1948). It’s expected to draw AUS$10-20K.

Don Juan costume
— Paula