For Better, Not for Worse

21 Nov

Third Week of November, 1936


The Errol-Lili Damita marriage has gone on the rocks. For months rumors have been afloat in Hollywood that the matrimonial bark of Errol and Lili was having rough sailing, but to the outside world they denied there had been any serious troubles.

Yesterday, however, Errol was reported as having moved out of his Hollywood hilltop home and be staying with a writer friend, William Ullman, preparatory to moving into a fashionable apartment hotel. The final separation cane Saturday night when Lili followed her husband to a local cafe, where he was dining with a party of friends, and left shortly after in years.

Flynn’s much publicized trip to Borneo, the South Seas and England is definitely called off for the reason he will remain here and see the separation trouble through.

Neither Flynn nor Miss Damita would make any comment on their separation, but word of an impending divorce cane from a representative of the actor, who said that the court action would probably be filed by Miss Damita today or tomorrow.

— Tim


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