Archive for July, 2020

Bon anniversaire Liliane

10 Jul

Lili Damita was born Liliane Marie Madeleine Carré on July 10, 1904, in Blaye, France. As a child she studied ballet and attended school in several different countries, including France, Portugal and Spain. She enrolled at the Opera de Paris and by the age of sixteen was working as a professional model and dancer. In 1921 she won a beauty contest and was offered her first acting role. She appeared in the Casino de Paris and starred in about a half dozen French films.Then she met Mihály Kertész

In 1928 she was brought to Hollywood by Samuel Goldwyn, she appeared in films with leading men such as Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, James Cagney and Maurice Chevalier.

As her film career was beginning to wind down, she met Errol Flynn, for the first time in Paris apparently, then more famously on the SS Paris, on Errol’s first trip to America. Lili fell for Errol and used her connections in Hollywood to get him a chance at Captain Blood, which her old fling, now known as Michael Curtiz, waa directing. The rest is history.…

— Tim


Sailing the Bounding Main

09 Jul

July 8, 1938

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Talked with both Errol Flynn and Lili Damita together and both deny that Lili is planning to take a holiday in Europe. These two kids have been married four years now and while occasionally they may have a little spat as do all married people, they both tell me there has never been any thought of divorce between them. Errol is bringing his boat to California, the very one which caused Warners so much worry while the adventurous Errol was sailing the Bounding Main and couldn’t be located and he and Lili will probably take their vacation together. Lili probably has the right idea. When Errol wants to go away with his men friends fishing or on a holiday, she gives him her blessing.

Sailing along circa the Spring ’38

July 8, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Lili Damita and Errol Flynn are touring the late spots together again, so their troubles must be patched up.

Speeding along a year or so later

— Tim


Opening of the Vogue

08 Jul

July 8, 1935

Reine Davies
Hollywood Parade

The Vogue Theater will be the bright spot on the Boulevard tomorrow night, when Winnie Sheehan’s brother, Howard, opens the ultra-modernistic theater with Ladies Crave Excitement and the thriller, The Phantom Fiend.

Howard opened his first theater in 1916 in San Francisco, has since been vice president of Fox West Coast Theaters, and there is little he doesn’t know about “packing ’em in.”

Felicitating friends who will be on hand tomorrow night are Winnie Sheehan, Jesse Lasky, Sam Briskin, Louis B. Mayer, Carl Laemmle, Norman Foster, Evelyn Knapp, H.B. Warner, Thelma Todd, Hardie Albright and Martha Sleeper, Esther Ralston, Jack Oakie, Jack La Rure, Charles Ray, I. Wolfe Gilbedrt, Bill Robinson, Bert Wheeler, Monte Blue, Patricia Ellis, Alice Faye Lily Damita and Errol Flynn, and loads of others.

Images from the excellent Los Angeles Theatres website.

Original Architectural Drawings for the Ultra-Modern Facade

Fifty-two or so years later with another famous Hollywood American Australian

— Tim


Behind the Green Light

06 Jul

“You’ve done it, Newell, you’ve found a vaccine.”

Before Covid-19, there was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Before Dr. Anthony Fauci, there was Dr. Errol, I mean Newell, Paige.

“In the 1937 movie Green Light, Hollywood heartthrob Errol Flynn plays a doctor investigating a devastating new ailment plaguing a remote town in Montana. The story of a heroic doctor infecting himself with the disease to find a cure is fictional, but it’s based in truth. In the early 1900s, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a deadly tick-borne disease, was erupting. No one knew exactly what caused it or how to cure it.”

— Tim


“Destination Unknown” Quiz

05 Jul

July 4, 1936

Louella O. Parsons

Los Angeles Examiner

Errol Flynn away on a three-day holiday, destination unknown, just for a rest before he starts that new picture.


Where did Errol go? and What “new picture’ was Louella referring to??

Added @ 5:15 PM EST

— Tim


A Bust Quiz

03 Jul

Who is the man that inspired this bust?

Of all the wonderful busts that could be shown and talked about on an Errol Flynn site, why this one – what’s the Errol connection?

Image of statue below added at 1:30 PM EST:

— Tim


That Alleged Wretched Statue — Quiz!

03 Jul

Who protested and caused the alleged wretched statue above to be removed? Why?


The article below has been posted subsequent to barb’s solution of the quiz. Splendid work, barb!

Custer Statue Letter

— Tim


From Florida for Olivia

01 Jul

à votre santé et bon anniversaire de Highland Beach, Florida

— Tim


To the Immortal Olivia

01 Jul

A Global Toast to Olivia de Havilland on her One Hundred and Fourth Birthday, July 1, 2020

Four for Olivia on Her 104!!!!


One from Errol Flynn Blog Author, Tina Nyary (aka Bariebel)



— Tim