Archive for May, 2021

Mail Bag! DEEP SPACE 9 & Errol Flynn?

09 May

Audie, our pal in Portugal sends this amusing note:


Am watching it now.
When Sisco asks where the hostage taker would like to be right now, this was his answer on the screen …
Later, he said, “Oh, hell, it’s probably raining in Tasmania, anyway …”

Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Season 3, Episode 4: Set in San Francisco, 2024.


Thanks, Audie!

— David DeWitt

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Errol Declares His Intentions

09 May

On May 9, 1936, Errol filed his Declaration of Intention to become an American Citizen. He did so at the Calexico border.

A Declaration of Intention is the formal act of a foreigner declaring that it is his or her bona fide intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, whereof he may at the time be a citizen or subject.

When Errol came to Hollywood, before the visas expired, studio stars who were foreign citizens would sometimes leave and return to the U.S. via Mexico. This is what Errol did, as evidenced by his Declaration of Intention.

Errol became a naturalized American citizen on August 14, 1942.

— Tim


For Young People of All Ages

07 May

Released May 8, 1937

Based on Mark Twain’s Classic

Released just in time for the Coronation of King George V, four days later, May 12, 1937

In celebration of which this beautiful couple had their first real-life dance, at the Coronation Ball at the Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles, attended by the Hollywood Rajah:

— Tim


Errol on Empty, But Still a He-Man

07 May

May 7, 1937

Harrison Carroll
Los Angeles Evening Herald Express

If photographers had been outside the Club Marti the other midnight they could have shot an even more unusual shot of a Hollywood star. Errol Flynn discovered that his tiny English car was out of gas. On a dare from a friend he hoisted up the automobile by its rear end and pushed it wheelbarrow fashion to a gas station 100 yards away.

I’m on empty as far as photos of Errol’s “tiny English car” and “Club Marti”. Not only do I not know what car is being referred to, I also can not find any photo of Club Marti, which I have confirmed had opened shortly before this incident.

— Tim


Errol Rushed to Hospital – 1942

07 May

May 6, 1942 – New York Times – “Errol Flynn Off to Hospital

(Original Caption) Errol Flynn Collapses on Set. Hollywood, California: A moment after this fight scene was taken, actor Errol Flynn (left) collapsed on the set at Hollywood Studio, and was rushed to the hospital suffering from nervous exhaustion.

This photo is dated July 17, 1942

— Tim


London: May 6, 1958

07 May

Errol and Beverly at the Lido Club

— Tim


Voyaging Star

06 May

MAY 6, 1938

Voyaging Star Appears Next in ‘White Rajah’ or ‘The Sea, Hawk’


By LOUELLA 0. PARSONS Hollywood,

Warner’s wandering boy, Errol Flynn, has promised at long last to bring his boat into the New York harbor May 12. At least that’s what the brothers Warner hope will happen. That would land him in the big town just in time for the opening of his most successful picture, “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” After he attends the premiere, Flynn will fly to Hollywood and get ready to star in either “The Sea Hawk,” Sabatini’s romantic sea story, or in “The White Rajah,” which he himself selected. Of course, Warners believe this will happen, but you can never be sure what Errol, who gets the wanderlust every so often, will really do.

— Tim


“…and now, here’s the dear boy himself, Meeeer-vyn!”

05 May

as Arthur Treacher would introduce the host of the Merv Griffin* Show… with a special guest-…

  • whose brother was a friend of Errol’s, as will be revealed

— Karl


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Cinco de Mayo, Flynnamigos

05 May

Hola, Flynnamigos.

Errol was a very frequent and famous traveler to Mexico. He drove, he flew, and he sailed there: to Tijuana, Ensenada, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, all along and off the coast of Baja, Acapulco, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, and numerous other locations. Plus, he dated and was married to there.

Here is a representative sampling of photos, articles, and videos in predominantly chronological order documenting Errol’s Flynnsational travels and adventures South of the Border.

From Mexico to Calexico — May 9, 1936

Labor Day in Mexico, 1937

The Whereabouts of Flynn

Zacapulco – Welles Done

— Tim


A Trophy for Travilla

04 May

Western Union – May 4, 1948

“[Billie] “Travilla” arrived in Hollywood in 1941 and won an Academy Award for his designs in Adventures of Don Juan starring Errol Flynn. He is credited as the costume designer of over 90 films and television productions — nine of which starred Marilyn Monroe. He may be best known for creating Monroe’s iconic Seven Year Itch white halter dress which was forever associated with both of them. (See below)”

The scene that the not thrill Joe DiMaggio. Dress by Travilla.

— Tim