Mail Bag! Errol Flynn’s Hobart with Ross Schnioffsky P.3!

24 Jun

Mail Bag!

When Errol was a little tot of about three years old, his mother would take him to the nearby sheltered beach or thereabouts where she taught him to swim. By his accounts, one of the few good things she did for him. The reserve is now a dog friendly area where dogs can be unleashed and run free. Errol would have appreciated this aspect of the reserve. The local council have marked this area with some appropriate signage, but it took a lot of effort by local Errol Flynn fans, particularly Steve and Genene Randall to make the signage happen. Steve and Genene were my guides on day two and more on them later.
The houses are opposite the small beach which is appropriately named Short Beach and little Errol would have seen and walked past them. The 1909 sign is actually part of a Hobart sculpture trail and celebrates Errol’s birth year

Thanks, Ross!


— David DeWitt

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