Mail Bag! Errol Flynn’s Hobart with Ross Schnioffsky Part 4!

24 Jun

Mail Bag!

Day Two (Part 3) of my Errol Flynn/Hobart Adventure – 60 Duke Street, Hobart

As a child, Errol lived in a number of different houses and lodgings in Hobart, which reflects the unsettled and restless life of his parents. Over the next few days, I will post images of these various “homes” of the young Errol. The first one in Duke Street is a fine and fairly standard Hobart residence, and at the nearby junction of Duke and Parliament Street you can see a scattering of snow on Mount Wellington. Parliament Street is about 20 m from Errol’s home. 
In 1919, the Flynns were living at this address. The small plaque shows the year that the house was built. The 10 year old Errol allegedly conducted his infamous experiment with “the living bracelet of ducks” in the backyard.

Thanks Ross!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


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  1. Ralph Schiller

    June 29, 2023 at 10:33 pm

    Thank you Ross Schnioffsky for sharing your adventure following in the footsteps of Errol Flynn. Great pictures and narrative.

  2. Ralph Schiller

    June 29, 2023 at 10:36 pm

    Thank-you Ross Schnioffsky for sharing your journey and adventure with all of us here at the Zaca. These are great pictures with narrative.