Mail Bag! Errol Flynn’s Hobart with Russ Schnioffsky! Part 7!

20 Jul

The Mail Bag brings more of Russ Schnioffsky’s wonder trip to Errol Flynn’s Hobart, Tasmania! It is our Part 7!

Russ writes:

The Friends’ School, Commercial Rd, North Hobart.

Foundered  in 1887, The Friends’ School is one of the largest Quaker schools in the world. Errol was enrolled in 1920 and had to demonstrate his boxing skills in various fights, probably with some fellow boarders (see photo below). He was allegedly expelled (or asked to leave the school) for climbing into the girls dormitory after dark. As a boarder he would occasionally sleep on the upstairs rear veranda which would have been a mighty cold location for a Hobart wintry night.

The Friends School Nowadays
Boarders – Boys, 1920
Errol, aged about 11
Assembly Hall, 1915
Friends’ School
The school may have looked a little like this when Errol was enrolled
Historical marker in front of the school entrance No mention of one particular famous ex-student
Close up of historical marker

— David DeWitt


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