Archive for 2024

Full Cycle

12 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

Errol covered a lot of ground during his lifetime. Between these pics taken respectively in Brazil and Germany lay roughly a decade. They confirm that once learned, you never loose the ability to


— shangheinz


A Gentleman’s Roadster? Not Quite…

09 Jul

Here is a great read about Errol’s Frazer Nash car. Genene and Steve

— tassie devil


The Benny Flynn Show

06 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

here is our man Flynn with jet set reporter Benno Graziani, one of the of the all time great photographers.…

His motto went a little like this: “Make em laugh, then shoot them“.

And it applied very well to their encounter in Deauville.



— shangheinz


Errol Flynn”s Last Three Months of 1941, November/December

06 Jul

From wrapping up filming on his latest adventure picture, to traveling coast to coast and back again for; radio appearances…magazine and newspaper articles … going to the ballet or a premiere…dinners and shows … or becoming an honorary Indian, all of this and more, in only two months.


— Topper


Errol Flynn goes to Mexico at the End of March, 1957!

28 Jun

With his renewed fame and popularity this year, Flynn is busy with radio, television and movie offers…on his way to Mexico for his next film, The Sun Also Rises.



— Topper


An Errol Flynn Birthday Celebration of 115 years!

20 Jun

I am pleased to send along the first page of my book, along with the last page, to celebrate the most fun 50 years I have researched.

Have an enjoyable day…with lots of happy memories.

Enjoy …


— David DeWitt


Happy 115th Birthday to Errol Flynn!

20 Jun

Happy Birthday, our dear old Errol Flynn! You have given us so much joy …

— David DeWitt


Happy Birthday Errol

20 Jun

Last year I visited the beautiful island of Capri. There I bought a book about Capri in movies. Many movies were filmed there and many stars visited and still visit the island. Our dear Errol was one of them. Here is the picture of him that was in the book. I don’t know when it was taken but in the picture is singer Scarola (Giuseppe Savarese). I hope you enjoy this birthday treat. Happy birthday Errol.  Hope you have a good one up there.

— Debbyphielix


I go Sligo

19 Jun

Dear Flynnstones,

in reference to Errol Flynn’s Relatives in Sligo, Ireland? « The Errol Flynn Blog , Ireland`s poet laureate, William Butler Yeats, immortalized a certain Flynn in his volume of essays “The Celtic Twilight”.

“Many of the tales in this book were told me by one Paddy Flynn, a little bright-eyed old man, who lived in a leaky and one-roomed cabin in the village of Ballisodare, which is, he was wont to say, ’the most gentle’—whereby he meant faery—‘place in the whole County of Sligo.’”

Yeats spend many of his childhood holidays in Sligo, actually Sligeach (meaning: place of the shells).

“Flynn, with a few verbal alterations, from a note-book which I almost filled with his tales and sayings, shortly after seeing him. I look now at the note-book regretfully, for the blank pages at the end will never be filled up. Paddy Flynn is dead; a friend of mine gave him a large bottle of whiskey, and though a sober man at most times, the sight of so much liquor filled him with a great enthusiasm, and he lived upon it for some days and then died.”

If Errol didn`t read this already, that kind of literture seems very much to his liking. Compare it to: The errolist of books « The Errol Flynn Blog

And being the perennial Robin Hood, he would have felt right at home in Sleuth Wood, which is situated along the shores of Loch Gill. also in the County of Sligo.

“Sleuth Wood away at the south looked as though cut out of green beryl, and the waters that mirrored them shone like pale opal.” (from the short story “The Heart of Spring”).




— shangheinz


An Errol Flynn Giggle!

13 Jun

In researching Errol Flynn’s 50 years over the last 50 years, I sometimes became very confused by the different times and dates printed by the myriad of sources. So, I decided that there needs to be something to help out! May I present …

Enjoy …

— Topper