To Thee, Teddington – Thanks for the Memories

10 Nov

Errol By Land, Beatles by Sea*…


Teddington Drawing




*Oh, yes – and Nazis by Air. But, Please, No One Tell Chuck the Cluck Piggyham’s Estate! Last thing needed is a chapter on how Errol almost ended the careers of Benny Hill and The Beatles via V1 Doodlebugs.

— Tim


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  1. rswilltell

    November 10, 2014 at 2:14 pm

    Tim; Thanks for posting this fascinating article on Teddington Studios. It is so sad to see the old lot being torn down but time marches on. I always adored the Benny Hill Shows. One day they are going to tear down the old Hammer studio lot, Bray Studios where Errol Flynn shot his brief television series. Thanks Ralph

  2. Gentleman Tim

    November 10, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    My pleasure, Ralph. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Here are two favorites of mine – both from “Thank Your Lucky Stars”*

    Oh, Tell Me What Teddington Did to Deserve Such a Fate!…

    Errol the Sailor Man Looking & Singing Flynntastically @ 6:06

    * Two different Thank Your Lucky Stars – only one from Teddington – of course!

  3. timerider

    November 10, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Thank you prolific Tim! As authors and writers here on the blog, we must give some credit to the Piggyhams in the writing world. Many do take license to the extreme and of course fantasy and fiction result. I took that book as a ridiculous fiction and tore out all the photos tossing the rest in the circular file. As for old studios, so many are lost to the ether and it’s very sad. My cousin and an old girlfriend live very near to an old studio set and area along the river outside of Philly by the Betzwood bridge. Silent era westerns were shot there and maybe more. Now an apartment complex rules the area. Thanks again for all the photos!

    • Gentleman Tim

      November 11, 2014 at 2:52 am

      Fascinating, timerider! Thanks for that cool info. I never knew that. Indians in the Delaware Valley? Yes. Revolutionary Soldiers at Valley Forge? Yes. Ben & Betsy in The City of Brotherly Love? Of course. But, a bunch of Buckaroos out the Main Line? … Well, I guess it is out West!…


  4. rswilltell

    November 10, 2014 at 7:40 pm

    Another film studio where Errol Flynn worked was the famed Hal Roach Studios in Culver City, Califirnia on Washington Blvd down the road from MGM and the Selznick Studios. Errol shot an episode of the Sceen Director’s Playhouse there. It turned out to be his last swashbuckler ever, the Sword Of Villon (1956). Actualy I’ll bet it was a TV pilot for a weekly syndicated series like the Cisco Kid or Ivanhoe. Too bad because Errol may have ben older but was still in good form. The Roach studio was demolished in the 1960’s after it went bankrupt. Ralph