Errol Flynn Ranch Street Sign

29 May

I took these photos over a 3 week period in Nov-Dec 1987 while visiting LA. At the time I was reading 'My Wicked Wicked Ways' and decided to go in search of the infamous Mulholland ranch. As luck would have it Errol's former home was being renovated and the gate was open to let the workers come and go. I asked the foreman if I could take some pictures and he said it was cool. I went back a few times over the course of the few weeks while I had access. I really couldn't believe my luck reading about Errol Flynn while wandering the rooms of his beloved Mulholland Ranch.

Bruce Bell  Associate Editor  The Bulletin

— David DeWitt


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  1. Tim

    May 24, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    Thought I’d add this recent news to this excellent gallery:…

    As the video host states, “What little boy didn’t want to grow up to be Errol Flynn?”