Who was John & Errol’s Co-Co-Star?

12 Feb

Dear Audience:

What highly regarded actress co-starred with both The Profile & The Baron?

(Another) Clue: JB & EF are not comparing their performances with her in this photo:


P.S. She was in one of Barrymore’s greatest films, but not in one of Errol’s.

— Tim


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  1. Tina

    The Real Person!

    Author Tina acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    February 12, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    Now there are more than one, which one is it?

    Phylis Barry – Long lost Father – 1934 with Barrymore and with Errol in The Prince and the Pauper

    Claire Dodd – Romance in the Dark -1938 – with Barrymore and with Errol in Don’t Bet on Blondes

    Anita Louise – Marie Antoinette – 1938 – with Barrymore and with Errol in The Green Light

    • Gentleman Tim

      February 12, 2015 at 8:49 pm

      Really Tremendous answers, Tina. Better than I could have ever done! All, however, fall a bit short for at least one reason.

      1) I don’t believe Errol’s fellow English-Australian Phyllis Barry technically qualified as a star of Errol’s in Prince & the Pauper – though she was certainly a lovely looking barmaid for Miles.

      2) Though Claire Dodd was, Errol himself was not yet a star in Don’t Bet on Blondes.

      3) Anita Louise WAS a co-star with both Errol and Barrymore, BUT, because she only filmed with JB prior to the photo of the two of them shown above, they theoretically could not have been comparing notes on their performances with her. (Same could be theoretically true of both Phyllis Barry and Claire Dodd, also.) … In other words, Errol co-starred with this actress AFTER the photo of JB and him above was taken – making it impossible for them to be comparing their performances with her.

      Certainly, if anyone can provide the name of the Other Barrymore/Flynn co-star – who received top-billing with Errol, it will be you, Tina! … Here are a few more clues:

      Though she performed in Hollywood films also, she was far better known and regarded for her work in theater.

      She had a regal role with Barrymore, but not so with Flynn.

      Her film with JB proved a huge success, but with Flynn it was not to be.

      Very few people remember her performance with Errol.



      • Tina

        The Real Person!

        Author Tina acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        February 12, 2015 at 11:20 pm

        You sure imagine a lot like this conversation taking place on this picture – wow – are you by any chance Tim-Svengali – a famous role of John.

        I would say that maybe the conversation is like that: “John we should consider curbing our drinking? What do you think”?

        I was questioning the stardom of Phyllis Barry myself, but what ever the case those are the only ladies I know ever played with both – John and Errol.
        No more guesses from me – I give up!

        • Gentleman Tim

          February 13, 2015 at 3:36 am

          No psychic powers involved, Tina! I just happen to know that Errol did not co-star with this particular actress until the 1950’s, well after John Barrymore’s last curtain call.

          Here’s a repeat of some of the clues above:

          “Dear Audience”

          “Not to be”

          “A regal role with Barrymore”


          She was Bohemian, born in England, or maybe Minnesota.

          Her character’s initials in her role with Errol were “A.F.”

          Her character was slightly deaf.

          Errol said something “to” her during one of his last scenes with her that, though quite humorous, was not found funny by all.

          Hot water heater.

          Told some great stories of Barrymore at his peak.

          It wasn’t Glenn Close.


          It wasn’t Judi Densch.


  2. Gentleman Tim

    February 14, 2015 at 12:15 am



  3. Gentleman Tim

    February 15, 2015 at 6:07 am

    John Barrymore’s co-starring with this star of the stage was to be a great success. Her co-starring with Errol was not to be.


  4. Gentleman Tim

    February 15, 2015 at 7:08 am

    In her two most famous roles she played an alluring queen (with Barrymore), and a blood thirsty trincoteuse (with Ronald Coleman & Basi Rathbone.)


    P.S. The character Errol played with her was previously played by Orson Welles, and subsequently by George C. Scott and Timothy Dalton.


    The Real Person!

    Author ILIKEFLYNN acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    February 15, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Is the answer, Blanche Yurka?–A. R.

    • Gentleman Tim

      February 15, 2015 at 6:44 pm

      Yes, A.R.! It was Queen Gertrude/Mrs. Fairfax herself. Excellente!!

      Congratulations, that was a tough one.



        The Real Person!

        Author ILIKEFLYNN acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        February 15, 2015 at 9:20 pm

        Yes, Well with the last clue about a role shared by Errol, Orson and Timothy and I remembered that the role in particular was not a role Errol had played in films, but in the theater; the rest fell into place.–A. R.

        • Gentleman Tim

          February 16, 2015 at 12:09 am

          To make quizzes challenging enough for the Flynn authors/authorities on EFB, A.R., one needs to be somewhat tricky. Otherwise, the quiz won’t last more than a few minutes. Here, as you figured out, the trick was that Errol co-starred with this once major, but now much forgotten, star of the stage, in a tour of live theaters, albeit a very short tour as it turned out.

          My next clue might have been that the other actress in this production (Jan Brooks) appeared that same year (1958) in a film with “Sea Hawk” in it’s title – the by-all-accounts, god-awful “Submarine Sea Hawk”. Here’s Jan & Errol in The Master of Thornfield”:


          • ILIKEFLYNN

            The Real Person!

            Author ILIKEFLYNN acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
            Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

            February 16, 2015 at 5:18 pm

            Great photo and I am sure very rare! And yes it was a very tricky question!–A. R.