Happy Birthday

20 Jun

Hi all

Firtsly let us be the first to say Happy Birthday for Errol's centenary.

As we are in Hobart we get to celebrate before those in America and most of the world. We have celebrated in style accompanied by Rory and Sean Flynn. Tasmania and Australia has been most gracious to them with interviews on radio, television and newspapers from both here and the world. There is a story coming out in the Washington Post and it can be read at this addy,… or if you go to this address you can see a tv show called collectors and a segment on Errol Flynn. Yes I'm the big guy in white shirt and Genene is sitting to the right of me in Blue.… We trust that you enjoy them.

Today being Errols 100th there was a plaque unveiling outside the State Theatre in Hobart of which there is a pic with Genene. Tonight there is a Gala Ball with the Errol/Pirate theme. Rory and Sean will be there with Sean singing a couple of songs. Rory is such a lovely person that takes the time to talk with people and listens as well. We feel priveledged to have met Rory on the three occassions that she has been to Hobart and look forward to her coming again.

Bung Ho everyone and enjoy your festivities on this great occasion.

Steve and Genene

The Tassie Devils

— tassie devil


Posted in Main Page


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  1. Anonymous

    June 20, 2009 at 6:57 am

    Best to you all down under. Happy 100th, dearest Errol!

  2. Anonymous

    June 20, 2009 at 9:19 am

    Happy Birthday. We love you Errol

  3. Anonymous

    June 20, 2009 at 9:22 am

    Hope everyone continues to have a wonderful time and a safe trip. Loved the pic of Genene and the star, thank you for sharing

  4. Anonymous

    June 20, 2009 at 2:55 pm

    Happy 100th birthday dear Errol.