Speaking of Errol Flynn's Centennial…

04 Jul

Rory Flynn and Steve Hayes shared the airwaves this week on an exclusive BBC 4 radio interview and the two shared studio space listening to each other's interviews with the interviewer in London… it was great fun, said Steve, who also has a two page spread in the new book ERROL FLYNN SLEPT HERE (look for our blog Authors Jack Marino and Robert Florczak in this book, too!) from authors Robert Matzen and Mike Mazzone… this is now one of my most favorite Flynn books, ever… aside from Steve Hayes own double volume of memoirs Googies – Coffee Shop to the Stars…

Rory Flynn (The Baron of Mulholland, another fave!) will be sending us some pictures and a story about her exciting visit (with her son Sean Flynn) to Hobart for the recent Centenary Celebrations for her father's 100th birthday in Tasmania…

Steve and Genene Randall of Hobart kindly sent me a poster from the events in Tas, and some wonderful looking brochures from those celebrations… will share with you, soon…

— David DeWitt


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