posters and more

05 Jul

Hi all Genene from Tassie here. Well the fanfare is over and I hope every body had fun. To all those that have helped us for many years Steve and I are sending out thank you Errol things pertaining to the 100Th. OK they are not worth the time and love these individuals gave us but we hope they will go a small  way to say THANKS. We only wish Linc was here sadly missed by myself. You know I never met him face to face but when he passed I cried all day. That is how much his presence affected me. Does anybody know when his book will be released. I have attached a pic of Holland whom Steve calls Dutchy patting a Joey. She was so scared doing it. I was feeding the mother as Holland was saying don't the mothers mind. The other is Errol our Devil with Greg his Mother who raised him and his 3 sisters as his parents were killed. This wildlife park is all to do with native animals and there rescue. And we have Errol there as our human Errol named himself the Tassie Devil in the 1st chapter of my www. and also this devil will go in to the breeding program to save the devils from the cancerous decease that has wiped out 70 percent of there population. So he will  be doing a great job.  All my love. Genene.

— tassie devil


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  1. Anonymous

    July 5, 2009 at 6:30 pm

    Wonderful photos, Genene! And glad to hear the events were a success. Wish we all could have joined each other's two celebrations!
    All the best,

  2. Anonymous

    July 7, 2009 at 4:11 am

    Hallo, Genene! Thanks for a great posting, and the wonderful pictures! I had no idea you could pick these animal up, and hold them. I imagined them being fierce… but the little one really looks cute and the other being held seems cuddly. Tasmanian Devils being cute and cuddly – who knew?
    Thanks for your sweet words about Linc Hurst. I cried for hours, myself. He was a very Extraordinary Gentleman…