Errol mentioned at Cascade Brewery in Hobart/Tasmania

08 Apr

Errol in Cascade Brewery, Hobart/Tasmania

This small display (ok, neither the photo, nor the text holds anything new) is located near the entrance room of the starting point through Australia’s oldest still operating brewery – “Cascade Brewery” in Hobart/Tasmania. The connection is probably due to the fact, that Duke St. (young Errol lived here for a while) is relatively close. Funny somehow, that Errol was never much of a beer drinker to my knowledge.


— Volker


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    April 8, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Thanks, Volker! What an awesome looking place!


    btw, I was in the legendary Hollywood bar Boardner’s a couple of years back, and they advertised that Errol’s usual drink there was a beer. I was somewhat surprised to hear that, but they insisted that was the case.


  2. tassie devil

    April 8, 2015 at 11:33 pm

    I am glad to see that someone has found this at last. many years ago we went to cascade and asked them where did the picture go of Errol. We were told when they did the reconstruction it had been taken down and no body knew where it was. We campaigned for many a day but got nowhere. So they must have found it. Must get my but down there and have a look at where it is. Yes Errol did runaway from his house. He had done it many a time but this time it was winter and he went up MT Wellington it is freezing in winter here and in his day was much worse . The ranger that found him was a very revered man Court Oaks: he was the Cascade estate ranger for over 60 years & Tasmania’s heavyweight boxing champ for over 10 . well he was the ranger that found him asleep in the limbs of a tree. He took Errol home and Lilly met him with a very unlike scene. She rushed up to him and gave him a big hug which Errol repelled from as he had never had this from her and said where have you been. You see at this stage he was a latch key kid a term not used then. He spent a lot of his time 2 doors down where the lady made him jam sandwiches as a treat. Back to the ranger he was never retired but stayed in that position until his death. At this link you can see a pic of him. Love Genene