He or She Debuted in One of Errol’s Greatest

09 Apr

What Movie Star Made His or Her Big Screen Debut in One of Errol’s Greatest Films:


He or She:

1) Ultimately became Extremely Popular.

2) Was Very Smart.

3) Was Very Athletic.

4) Was Born in California.

5) Was About Ten Inches Shorter Than Errol.

6) Had a Relatively Small Part in Errol’s Film.

7) Had Stunning Good Looks.

8) Also became a Television Star.

9) Has Passed Away But is Still Well Known.

10) Is Often Regarded as the Best at the Type of Acting He or She Did.

— Tim


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  1. rswilltell

    The Real Person!

    Author rswilltell acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    April 9, 2015 at 7:16 pm

    Tim, I am completely stumped. I thought of one name but realized she is still alive and worked with Errol in her second film, not her debut. There was another actress who did debut with Flynn and later became a big character actress and in the 1950’s starred in her own hit television series for 157 episodes but athletic does not decribe her. Ralph schiller

    • Gentleman Tim

      April 9, 2015 at 8:19 pm

      Thanks, Ralph. Tricks are involved with this profoundly popular hero of the Silver Screen, but you may very well get it after these next clues. You will remember this star very well I’m sure.

      1) Started with Warner’s, but did more filming over at Republic Pictures.

      2) Often in Westerns.

      3) Often in Musicals.

      4) A Great Dancer – Not Known for Singing, However.

      5) Once Did a Big Movie Titled After a Cole Porter Song.

      6) Once Did a Big Movie with Bob Hope.

      7) Has an Affiliation with Olivia De Havilland.

      8) A “Blonde” and Always Very Well Groomed.

      9) Photographed Together with Errol in Chico, California.

      10) Born in San Diego.

  2. daringthorpe

    The Real Person!

    Author daringthorpe acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    April 10, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    Ok I’m going out on a limb here so don’t be too hard on me if I’m wrong are we talking about Trigger the horse?

    • rswilltell

      The Real Person!

      Author rswilltell acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      April 10, 2015 at 1:51 pm

      Daring Thorpe! Bingo! You are right on the money. Every name I could think of fit only half of the clues given by Tim. Yes trigger starred with Bob Hope and Roy Rogers in Son Of Paleface (1952)!

      • Gentleman Tim

        April 10, 2015 at 4:23 pm

        Absolutely, Ralph! And Bingo indeed, as it’s often reported that Trigger had a Bing Crosby connection, too, in that he was born on a ranch in San Diego said to have a connection to Hope’s Road show partner.

        Speaking of Crosby, here’s an alternate version of the Cole Porter classic he did with the Andrew Sisters – this version featuring Trigger, Dale & Roy:


    • Gentleman Tim

      April 10, 2015 at 4:13 pm

      Fantastic, daringthorpe! Going out on a limb really paid off for you – just as it did for Errol’s Merry Men in Trigger’s … I mean Golden Cloud’s … Silver Screen debut as Maid Marion’s closest companion, until Errol came along.
