Sean – A Very Wise Young Man Remembers His Dad

12 May

A Remarkable Interview with Sean, 1961:…

Sean-and-Errol-in-TV-production (2)

— Tim


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  1. zacal

    May 13, 2015 at 6:11 am

    Very insightful! I had no idea that it was Sean who introduced Errol to Beverly Aadland. And I loved reading about how kind Errol was to everyone. Kindness is so important and it’s very heartening to learn that it was a trait of my idol. Many thanks, Tim.

  2. zacal

    May 13, 2015 at 6:20 am

    Someone admired Sean enough to make an action figure of him![img][/img]

    • David DeWitt

      May 13, 2015 at 2:51 pm

      Amazing! I’ve never seen this before. A very rare find!

  3. zacal

    May 13, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    I think this is what I admire so much about Sean Flynn; his courage. He didn’t have to go to Vietnam, he chose to go! The story I read was that he had escaped the ambush by enemy forces but that his friend/co-worker had been captured. Sean went to warn others and then WENT BACK in search of his friend, never to be seen again. THAT is heroism. Errol seemed so fearless on the screen and off it and his son Sean just had that genuine courage inside of him. The final image of Sean Flynn was him riding his motorcycle into battle to save a friend.

    • Gentleman Tim

      May 13, 2015 at 8:58 pm

      What a powerful portrait of Sean’s kindess and courage that is zacal. Thank you very much. His life compels a MAJOR motion picture. What a life story, and so perfect for film. Sure Best Picture, Best Actor (Sean), Best Actress (Lili), and Best Supporting Actor (Errol) nominations, if done right!…



    May 13, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    I can’t seem to open this link to see what it is about, but if it says Sean introduced Errol to Beverly this not correct. Errol met Beverly on the Warner Bros. studio set and introduced her to Sean. Sean had assumed Beverly was a young girl Errol was setting him up with. At least that is the way it was explained by Beverly’s mother in “The Big Love”.–A. R.

    • Gentleman Tim

      May 13, 2015 at 11:08 pm

      It’s a very interesting and possibly very enlightening different account, A. R. I, if course, can’t say who’s right, or even if Sean was quoted correctly, but, if he was, I’d believe Sean before I’d believe the extremely self-serving and highly unreliable oddball Mrs. Badland. I imagine it’s also possible that Sean introduced them after Errol had seen (but did not actually meet) her at Warner’s.…


      Well, as Flo points out, at least they weren’t nude



        May 14, 2015 at 9:15 pm

        Thank you. That is much better. The article is after all interesting. I don’t know what you have against Mama Aadland, but I’m sure you have heard of a little film titled, “Rashomon”! My point being everyone has their own agenda. It’s interesting that in another interview, (one with Zalin Grant), Sean tells of a time when Errol stole Sean’s fifteen year old girlfriend. As to which fifteen year old he is referring, he does not say. We can only presume it is not Beverly as he states “she is not his type!”

        In regards to Sean’s feelings toward his father, they seem to be two-fold. When Sean was younger he idolized his father. As he grew into adult, he seemed to reproach his father for never being there for him. But yet in every thing Sean did or said one can clearly get how influenced he was by Errol.–A. R.

        P.S. Sean;s memory seems to be off. We know that he visited Errol in Europe in the summers of 1956 and 1957, as 1956 was the year Errol was in England shooting the “Errol Flynn Theatre”. Sean in another interview confirms this fact.–A. R.

        • Gentleman Tim

          May 14, 2015 at 9:47 pm

          I haven’t had the pleasure of watching Rashoman, A. R., but I can say that I do not believe this is an Elephant and the Blind Men scenario, with any equivalence of morality and reliability between Sean and Flo. IMO, Mrs. Aadland was an extremely unreliable narrator, possibly a habitual liar, but certainly one aiming to coverup her gross misconduct in her Big Love story. One aim of that book was cash, another fame, and yet another to obscure and defend herself against pretty obvious charging of endangering and even pimping her 15-year-daughter.

          Sean, on the other hand, appears to me to have been a stand up, straightforward young man, with no apparent motive to lie about introducing Beverly to his Dad. Of course, there’s the possibilty he introduced them, without knowing they had met before, something neither Errol nor Bev mentioned. I don’t believe however that Sean would have fabricated his account. Why would he?

          Excellent point, A. R., about how Sean seems to be so very influenced by his Dad. I agree. He was much like many sons, proud of his Dad, and genetically very similar, but trying to forge his own independent identity. I think he was a really good young man.

          • ILIKEFLYNN

            May 15, 2015 at 3:31 am

            I never said he was not a good man, but he was still human. And that also begs the question under what condition would he have had an occasion to introduce her? Were Sean and Beverly hanging out? Were Errol and Beverly introduced by Sean and then were reconnected at the studio? Whose to say?–A. R.