Forest Lawn

03 Dec

I recently made a trip down south and incorporated a visit to Forest Lawn and a visit to Errol (my first).  I traveled Mulholland Drive and made it to Torreyson Place and Flynn Ranch Road.  What an adventure!

— Kathleen


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  1. Anonymous

    December 3, 2009 at 10:36 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    I would love to see your attachment, but it does not work!
    You have to tell us more about the trip.
    Best regards,

  2. Anonymous

    December 3, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Hi Tina. I fixed the attachment. I'm not that great on the computer and I'm using Word 2007 and there's a learning curve for sure! Let me know what you think.

  3. Anonymous

    December 10, 2009 at 5:38 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    The pictures are great, but give us some details of your trip. Did the security guard let you go into the property?
    Regards – Tina

  4. Anonymous

    December 12, 2009 at 4:43 am

    Not much to say about my trip. I could not devote lots of time as there was so much scheduled each day of my trip (Disneyland, etc). Mulholland Drive is a very narrow road. I used gsp to find the property and apparently Justin Timberlake's house is where Errol's house used to be. No, you cannot go on the property. Torreyson Place is a dead-end and when we drove up the security guard was right out on the driveway lickity-split. He explained that Errol owned more than just “this”–I got the feeling that he probably had to explain this at least once a week. LOL We didn't dally; took a picture and went back down the drive where Flynn Ranch Road (private) was on the right but of course you couldn't travel down it. The views from Mulholland are fantastic and I bet at night even more so, but I would not want to drive that road at night! Going to Forest Lawn was mainly to see the grave site. I understand that EF did not want to be buried there and wonder why Patrice made this decision when she ended up living in Jamaica. However, after touring Forest Lawn it quite possibly is the best resting place. It is a beautiful place filled with art [not just the dead] and landscaping. It has nothing to do with the sea though, so one begins to wonder again why this place? I believe his daughter Arnella is buried next to him? Is this correct? Why not in Jamaica? Is Patrice eventually going to be buried here as well? I found his resting place awesome, what with the beautiful statue [does anyone know the story of the statue–does it belong to Forest Lawn? Was it placed there so EF would have a half-naked maiden looking down on him?], a quiet garden, a shady tree and a manicured lawn. Flushing toilets for those still living were situated everywhere!!!! I plan to go again and take more than just two hours so I can tour the churches and view more artwork. Forest Lawn was not what I expected!

  5. Anonymous

    March 2, 2010 at 4:05 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    I am sorry not to have replied earlier, but I missed that one.
    I am so glad you enjoyed your trip to Forest Lawn. In 1973 when I was there is was nothing no marker just grass – I cried I could not believe it. I am glad you found it nice and well kept, but still Errol would have deserved a lot better. Even if the money was not there in 1959 it sure is there now. His property is worth between 50 to 70 million dollars worth today, but there is no inscription of his … who inherited all! Maybe it was no easy life then, but it certainly is now to correct was not possible then!
    I am glad you had a good time and saw what ever was possible to see and sharing it with us!
    All the best to you!

  6. Anonymous

    March 4, 2010 at 4:06 am

    Hi Tina. Well it really was a beautiful spot if this is where he has to be. Are you saying you think Patrice should have placed another marker different than the children's or that she should have had a marker in the first place? It is quite possible she is still spiteful although so many years have passed. I guess she has been quoted as saying she can't help but love him no matter what he had done. I believe she inherited everything. Not sure what that means for Nora's daughters or the two grandsons. Doesn't seem like anyone in that family interacts with her except for Luke.