Errol Flynn Wartime Movies – Box Set

16 Dec

Hi Guys

Have a look at this link where Feltenstien says “We'll do a big box set next year of Errol Flynn wartime films that are very famous, that are being restored from the camera negatives, that will have commenataries, the “Warner Night at the Movies,” the whole bit…”


Steve and Genene…

— tassie devil


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  1. Anonymous

    December 17, 2009 at 1:48 am

    Hi tassie devil;
    Thank you for your link, but I am not able to see what you are talking about. Could you be a little more specific! There is no link to “Warner night at the movies”. And my dearest tassie we are not all guys we are girls too. Remember, he made pranks and drunk with the guys, but he made love to the girls – how wonderful!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Yew Year!

  2. Anonymous

    December 17, 2009 at 3:13 am

    Sorry Tina we are not all guys. The link is below our name and is in red

  3. Anonymous

    December 22, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Hi Steve and Genene!
    Thanks – I found it! I look forward to the upcoming set!