Custer Rides

01 Apr

Here's a scene from one of the greatest films ever made, They Died with their Boots on.

— Shamrock


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  1. Anonymous

    April 5, 2007 at 3:50 am

    This is a great action shot! Look at Flynn's determination! I can only imagine what the charge actually sounded as they charged across the ground. I have stood nearby when a lot of “empty horses” went pounding past me once on a film set–and the earth vibrated under my feet! Add to this the sound of men shouting and firing their guns… it must have been something to be part of!

  2. epm54338

    May 17, 2013 at 6:21 pm

    They Died with Their Boots On is my favorite Flynn film. … It ranks with Gunga Din as one of the great action-adventure films of that era, and of all time.