Beverly Aadland has passed away

07 Jan

    Dear readers, It has come to my attention that Errol's old love, Beverly Aadland has passed away. This is very saddening to me. No matter what anyone thought of Bev, she was Errol's love, and as we all know, love has no bounderies. It is a damn shame she did not share her last years with Errol, I admire her for keeping it private(as it should be) instead of cashing in on it as most others would have, (as seems to be the fashion nowadays). For that, I will propose a toast to Bev, Errol and 'The Big Love'.

                Sincerely,  John

— john


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  1. Anonymous

    January 7, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    If this is true, may she rest in peace. I now regret that the recent invitation to visit with her did not happen in time.

  2. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 2:42 am

    Very sad! I too wish her much peace.

  3. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 3:27 am

    I recall reading a story about Woodsie in People magazine years ago. Her daughter Aadlanda was only eight years old. Among other statements in the article, Beverly said, If he (Flynn) was still alive, I'd be with him…” Well, she is now…
    I never dreamed I would meet her husband, Ron, or Aadlanda who was so sweet and likable! But I got to meet them at Jack & Louise Marino's 100th birthday bash for Errol. Beverly was in a wheelchair and couldn't make the trip but we would have been thrilled. For years, I had her phone number. Linc Hurst had been out to see them, and mentioned me. She was drunk and said, Sure, give him my phone number! But I never called because you just don't take advantage of a lady when she is drunk… I did contact her in a sort of way, when I sent a series of screen grabs from a short clip in which you see Woodsie and Errol on the rail of a boat or a bridge, you can't tell which – and her hair is blowing in the wind. In the clip, which had no sound, you see Beverly turn to Errol and say (reading her lips) “I love you…”
    Linc had these screen grabs printed and framed and gave it to her with the words she spoke printed underneath and told her I had found this and wanted her to have it…
    That is as close as I got to any sort of connection with her but it isn't a bad one, is it? Again, as always, it wouldn't have happened without Linc…

  4. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 6:00 am

    This is very sad news! I wish her peace!

  5. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 7:58 am

    What a memory you would have if she had been able to attend the party! Sad she has passed and one less person who knew Errol and knew him well.

  6. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 7:59 am

    Here's to “The Big Love”. Thanks for posting this John.

  7. Anonymous

    January 8, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    I feel quite sad about her death,but I very much admire her for her loyalty to Errol. I really feel she provided him with peace and feeling loved in the years before his death, and I very much admire her for not taking advantage of his fame to enrich herself. I don't know anything about her life after Errol, but I have the feeling she probably did not have much money, and certainly could have used some extra. I think her behavior validates that her and Errol's relationship was a deep and meaningful one. May she and Errol rest in peace. Kevin

  8. Anonymous

    January 10, 2010 at 12:10 am…,,20100218,00.html Here's a link to the people article