Thanks for the Invite David

05 Apr

Dear David and Fellow Olympiads

Many thanks for the invite, the blog looks great David. I'm going to have a look through my files and see if I can find a few things that may be new to you all.

Best wishes to all


— themainflynnman


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  1. Anonymous

    April 6, 2007 at 6:04 am

    Bri, its wonderful to have you among us! Once again we are all doing something new and different for dear ol' Errol together, eh? Btw, I thought the new docu Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn was well done, didn't you? I have a few nits to pic with it–but overall it was great and so interesting to see Woodsie, in it, a rare thing at this writing! Lots of rare clip in it–which I LIVE for!