That Forsyte Woman 1949

09 Feb

— Tina

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Posted in The Films


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  1. Anonymous

    September 5, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    I just found this great article and I thought it should be here with this picture.
    Errol Flynn, Greer Garson – That Forsyte Woman 1949
    Radio City Music Hall Metro Goldwyn Mayer picture theater photo from book by John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga with Janet Leigh and Harry Davenport, Walter Pidgeon and Robert Young. Screenplay by Jan Lustig, Ivan Tors and James B. Williams. Produced by Leon Gordon.
    Classic movie, timeless photograph. To quote the Internet Movie Database, Love among the Forsytes is strange, full of tradition, melancholy and gold-digging in this film treatise on Victorian age rigidity and vestiges of a flawed society.
    This is one of the few non-swashbuckling films of Wicked, Wicked Ways Errol and one where he plays a character totally unsympathetic. He does it not merely well but superbly. He could act. Tragically, he was so damn good at using his natural athletic abilities in costume dramas, he never got good roles until he was over the hill. This film made right after the time of his famous sex trial reveals another side of a talented actor. Garson is great as is Robert Young, albeit coming off a bit insipid alongside Errol, playing a foppish socialite. The story of this film is a bit tiresome by today's standards and drags in spots. It is gorgeously photographed with lush costuming but it's Flynn who steals the show– without even trying. He was only 50 when he died from a debauched lifestyle. Sadly, his last film, Cuban Rebel Girls, made during Fidel's revolt, is an abortion and a pathetic tribute to a man, a talented man, who thrilled us all so many times in our youth with his panache, elan and verve. But, this little film, made about 10 years before his demise shows he was indeed, an actor and not merely a star.