Bonny's bubble car …

19 Feb

No sooner do I put out a request for help (as to Marelle's final day), then more of the answer comes!

I would like to most humbly thank our own member (and not to mention authoress: Master of Errol Flynn's Yacht Zaca Captain Patrick C. Cother) Bonny Cother, for her amazing resourcefulness!

What a great group, but on this day, BONNY SHINES!

Best- Karl

— Karl


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  1. Anonymous

    February 20, 2010 at 2:58 am

    Karl–Bonny! Thanks . . . this really fills in the article and it makes sense. 1967 Theo moves to live with his daughter and 18 months later, in 1968, he passes.

  2. Anonymous

    February 23, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    Here is a follow up concerning more of what I have found:
    I have since now become “more acquainted” with the workings of the Times of London index (whose archives go back to 1785!)
    I did find the obit for Theodore (under “Prof. T.T. Flynn …”) which confirms a date of death of 10/23/68.
    As for Marelle, there apparently was no death announcement. Instead, there were 2 articles (dated 2/28/67 & 3/15/67) about legal proceedings against the driver who struck her. There was no date of death in either article; only that the car collided with her on December 10, 1966. The driver was ultimately found not guilty of the charge of “causing the death by dangerous driving”.
    I also “visited” on the (geneological) site of the HMS Bounty descendants, and they, too, had a problem with Marelle's death date, saying only: “1966-7”).
    Finally, the hospital where she was taken, was located in Brighton, and its newspaper, the Argus, only has online archival access going back to 1985 …
    So, in the absence of a secondary confirmation, the Meyer's date mentioned in Inherited Risk seems plausible: 1/1/67.
    Best- Karl

  3. Anonymous

    February 24, 2010 at 3:38 am

    Karl, thanks for investigating EF's parents. Tina needs to give you a name too. Mine is Sherlook. That 1966 date doesn't look right. Was she hit in 12/66 and later died in January 1967. Perhaps she wasn't killed on impact and died from her injuries later. Still a bit of a mystery, eh?

  4. Anonymous

    February 24, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    Yes Kathleen, that is EXACTLY how I think it was. So sad.
    How strong in constitution she must have been (even with a heart condition) to survive for some time after.
    And, that she was age 77 at the time of her passing!
    Best- Karl

  5. Anonymous

    February 25, 2010 at 5:20 am

    I think sad too, because EF would have had his parents for another 8 or 9 years. Perhaps Theo would have lived longer if his wife had still been with him. I always wonder how often they saw their grandchildren. Being famous and trying to have family time must be so hard!

  6. Anonymous

    February 27, 2010 at 9:38 pm…
    This is a link I found where there's research listed on EF's background and it lists the newspaper articles about mom and dad.