The Last Sad Rites of Errol Flynn by John

25 Feb

Hi John – I hope you do not mind me clarifying this issue!
This here should explain that Patrice, Sean, Deidre and Rory were at the funeral.  Nora, Lili and Beverly were absent, but Beverly sent one red rose with a note saying “I'll always love you”!
Here are the articles for your information!

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    February 26, 2010 at 7:37 am

    Nicely done. I had not seen the picture of the girls. And, now I know about the statue. She was something I wanted to see when I visited his grave.

  2. Anonymous

    February 26, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Hi Tina, I have the book, “Errol and Me” by Nora and at the end of the book she mentions going to the funeral. But I guess the best way to settle this is to contact Rory. I think David has her contact information. I am neutral in this issue and only want to find the truth. It did seem odd that Nora would send her minor children to the funeral without her present, and her love for Errol is revealing in the book, even after all they had been through. I don't mind being wrong though, it just puts me that much closer to the real story, and that is all I want. John

  3. Anonymous

    February 26, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    Thanks for sharing these fascinating news clippings with all of us!

  4. Anonymous

    February 26, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    In her book, Nora mentions seeing him laid out, probably at a private viewing the day before. But she states she didn't attend the services, as was reported everywhere.

  5. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 1:58 am

    Hi Ralph;
    I have not seen your name at this wonderful EFBlog of so many Errol Flynn fans. Maybe I should say welcome!
    Thank you very much for your comment, but I posted it only because different opinions where on the plate of discussions.
    Take care and we hope to hear much more of you!

  6. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 3:53 am

    Hi Kathleen – Sherlook!
    Thank you, but I only posted it because of the discussion in John's article.
    About the statue – oh yes – there is another interesting point for discussion! It is a very nice statue, but who purchased it? As I was told – Patrice had no money not even for the flowers and did not arrange for the yellow rose on the casket (as Errol hated yellow roses) – so who did purchase the statue? No stone throwing intended – just plain curiosity – why is the grave only marked with the children’s marker and that 17 years after his passing? Why is there no inscriptions on the pillar of the statue from his wife? Cremation is another issue? Why was Errol not cremated, Errol was not religious, in order for at least his ashes to be brought to Jamaica where he wanted to be. Were there issues with Jamaican authorities? Very hard to believe! Ashes cannot be refused!
    I was in March 1973 at Forrest Lawn to pay my respects to Errol and was unable to find his grave until I went through a lot of inquiries to find his grave and to me it was a very sorry sight. I was crying, my heart was wrenching with grieve til this day that he is at a place he did not wanted to be and that he was denied the resting place he wanted! Body or ashes would have not mattered to him as long as he would have been in Jamaica!
    I know I will not ever get answers for my questions, but so be it!
    As far as I am concerned, Errol was treated very shabbily.
    When one associates oneself with a man like Errol, one knows what is what, one knows loving Errol is unconditional love, one knows right from the beginning that it will not last, in short that was Errol! However, one lifts oneself above pettiness, especially from his weakness', one knows about them. One has to remember the good times and the good times only, the pleasures of his love he gave even if it lasted for a short time only, but and that it was a pleasure indeed! In addition, one always, always has to do the right thing at the right time when it comes to the final end who ever is the person is at the finale!
    Please tell me to pipe down or shut up! Yeah, I could argue Errol's case until the earth freezes over again!
    That's all from for today from your chatty friend!

  7. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 4:03 am

    Hi John;
    We can't believe all we read, but Nora was not at the funeral, maybe visiting the day before the funeral? Her daughters were there and Sean!

  8. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 5:07 am

    Hi John;
    That what it is all about the truth and sorry to say Nora did not go to the funeral. What ever the circumstances may have been only Deidre and Rory will know as she did send her two daughters.

  9. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 5:32 am

    Hey, Mickey Rooney is still alive–we could ask him. Just kidding.

  10. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 5:48 am

    Sometimes the graves have no markers to keep away the curious. But after time passes you'd think a marker would be placed (but it took the kids–not any of the ex-wives to do this). I'm wondering if the statue belongs to Forest Lawn and she just happened (was lucky enough) to be where Errol's grave was picked. I wish I had asked when I was in the museum. She's very appropriate to watch over him and you can't miss finding his grave if you look for her. A constant companion so to speak. If he can't be in Jamaica, at least he is where fans in Hollywood/CA can find him. Nora [in her book] reflects back on her life with him pretty much what you said in your post–remembering the good times and only the good times. Interesting outlook. You can turn the volume up anytime, Tina. It's fun!

  11. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Sad that “certain” individuals were just trying to get more money out of him.
    My impression after reading these articles. :(

  12. Anonymous

    February 28, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    Money brings out the worst in people, especially when there is a death.