Another unique picture of Errol

16 Mar

This unique picture comes to us from our member Elayna, not yet an author, who asked me to publish this picture for your enjoyment! 
The rareness is in the hairstyle and dress as Errol doesn't wear them in the movie as pictured in this “Gentleman Jim” photograph!  Great find Elayna!

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    March 16, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    Thanks, Tina! There are tons of pictures on ebay, so many I've seen before, plus a few “new” ones like the above.
    I haven't seen Gentleman Jim yet. :)

  2. Anonymous

    March 17, 2010 at 1:26 am

    Hi Elayna;
    You are very welcome! What a pity that you did not see “Gentleman Jim” it was playing last night on TCM at 10.15pm EST. You should go to the TCM website and search Errol Flynn then roll down to the title “People Watches” and click on “Errol Flynn” his picture comes up and on the right side top you can find out what and when his movies are played. There were 20 Errol movies scheduled in the last 2 1/2 month and Dodge City is coming on Thursday 18. at 3.30 pm.
    Check it out!

  3. Anonymous

    March 18, 2010 at 5:08 am

    Have not seen this one. Thanks.