Sean Flynn Remains found?

28 Mar
Our friend of Flynn, Chris Driscoll writes:

Hello David, my cousin Ron ( who resembles Sean) rang me early this AM to tell me the news. Below is a link that describes an eye witness account and some remains that they believe to be his…

Best, Chris

Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:47:43 +0100
A article from CHRIS DRISCOLL


Found in a Cambodian jungle – but are they the remains of Errol Flynn’s war photographer son?

British adventurers have dug up what they believe to be the remains of the son of Hollywood legend Errol Flynn, who disappeared 40 years ago in one of the most enduring mysteries of the Vietnam War.

Full Story

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    March 29, 2010 at 12:47 am

    Hi Chris;
    This is by far the best find of the year!
    Do you subscribe to Daily Mail UK as the article is dated Monday, March 29th and here it is still Sunday, 28th?
    This is news right on the button! WOW!
    I sincerely hope that the remains are that of Sean, which would bring finally a closure to a very open wound and possible solace!

  2. Anonymous

    March 29, 2010 at 3:37 am

    Yes great news. A similar story appeared here in Australia with a couple of the details different but the story is the same. It can be found at… . In regards to the date dont forget that America is one of the last countries to get the new day especially when compared to Australia where we celebrated Errols centenary before any one else due to the time zones.

  3. Anonymous

    April 1, 2010 at 11:16 am

    Unbelievable!! I was so excited about this that I posted my comment under the wrong article!Imagine, after all these years!! It's ashame that poor Lili isn't alive to hear the news, being as she spent most of her remaing life to find him. I pray that the remains are him so that Rory and her family can have peace and closure to this tragic story. An incredible find indeed!

  4. Anonymous

    April 1, 2010 at 2:12 pm

  5. Anonymous

    April 1, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Hi Kathleen;
    You are the best “Sherlook” there is! WOW, what a find, what an article, so in depth and detail – even his Paris apartment!
    You must have some real ingenious and niffy search methods to come up with all the great stuff! Keep sherlooking!

  6. Anonymous

    April 2, 2010 at 3:31 am

    Good ole Google. Interesting about the apartment. They must have lifetime leases? Eerie. . . I wonder why he didn't change his name and make his way and then announce he was Sean Flynn (some children of “stars” have done so). And, did his mother get to listen to the tape that was made (responding to the info Rory sent)? Her child is lost to her and there is a tape that could be made available of her child's thoughts (he did love his mother it appears) in his own voice. Very sad to me.

  7. Anonymous

    April 2, 2010 at 4:14 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    You have me a little puzzled with your comment – am I missing something?
    Re – change his name? did his mother get to listen to the tape? Rory send info?
    Could you please point me in the right direction to find this info you are talking about!
    Thanks Kathleen!

  8. Anonymous

    April 2, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    Sorry Tina, I combined my comments! I was referring to The Sean Flynn I Knew article. I just happen to be reading the Myers book re Errol and Sean.

  9. Anonymous

    April 17, 2010 at 8:51 am

    updated info as of 4/13: Human remains which could be photographer Sean Flynn, son of Hollywood star Errol Flynn, have been found in Cambodia.
    A seven-member US government search team found shards of skull. Sean, who disappeared aged 28, was one of at least 37 journalists who died or disappeared in Cambodia during the Vietnam War from 1970-75.
    Search team spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Wayne Perry said they were investigating the site where amateur diggers Australian Dave MacMillan and Briton Keith Rotheram unearthed remains last month, but are exploring deeper and over a wider area.