April Rock-itt online Magazine is live!

04 Apr

The ONLINE issue of April Rock-itt is out now and HARD COPIES are being printed and delivered as you read this…….au Another installment of Peter Johnson's Errol Flynn series is live!

— David DeWitt

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  1. Anonymous

    April 7, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    Pete has delivered yet another CAPTIVATING installment of his series, on the man who not only was, but would become … FLYNN!
    His choice of photos to accompany the articles are simply superb and provide the necessary atmosphere to complement his well written text.
    What a lively and enlivened approach to do a variation on the re-telling of the story of (and to borrow a title) the Young Errol Flynn Before Hollywood.
    Pete, I salute your TOTAL ORIGINALTY! This is one fine series!
    PLEASE … keep it up!
    Best- Karl