A Big Hello from Texas

14 Oct

On the Trail of Flynn in the Lone Star State. Here is some memorabilia they have displayed to remember him.

His Pearl Tuxedo Cuff Links in His Clamshell Case


His “Spectator Shoes” from Northhampton


What were you expecting … a cowboy hat and boots?!

And South of the Border from El Paso (Home of the above shies and cuff links), to the Kentucky Club in Juarez, which claims to have invented the Margarita. Ruth, Capone, McQueen, and likely Flynn, who is also believed to have visited other nearby establishments.


— Tim


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  1. Maria

    The Real Person!

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    October 14, 2015 at 8:20 pm

    Hi Tim! How did they come by these items? Very Cool! What size are the shoes?

    • Gentleman Tim

      October 15, 2015 at 10:32 pm

      Hi Maria. Sorry for the delay in responding. I was in Juarez yesterday, without any reception. Good news is I made it to the Kentucky Club, a legendary saloon Errol is believed to have visited (along with a host of other big names, from Capone to Liz Taylor to Steve McQueen (often), as well as many prominent baseball figures, including King of ‘Em All, Babe Ruth.

      I called and spoke with Saddleblanket representatives (see links below), but none knew the answers to your questions. On the road still (now in Phoenix), or I might go visit Mr. Wells personally. Maybe he would respond to an email.……