Errol Flynn's Body Departs With Minor Final Dramatics

10 Feb

from THE VANCOUVER SUN Newspaper – October 1959

Surrounded by melodrama in death as in life, the body of actor Errol Flynn left Vancouver by train Friday night bound for burial in Los Angeles.

The coffin was accompanied by stuntman friend Buster Wiles, of Hollywood, who said on leaving he had received a telephoned threat that Flynn's body might be “hijacked.”

They were seen off at the Great Northern station by an unidentified, tearful blonde girl in black, who said she knew the actor in Paris, a few newsmen and railroad officials.

Wiles was undecided whether the threat was serious, but said he was taking “reasonable precautions.”

He said he also planned to “have a few drinks” beside Flynn's body in the baggage car.

“Errol would have liked that,” he said.

As Flynn's body left, his former traveling companion Beverley Aadland arrived in Los Angeles to continue her fight for a burial in Jamaica.

Flynn's widow Patrice Wymore has rejected Jamaica and insisted on Los Angeles.

Miss Aadland collapsed in tears after tripping over a small retaining wall as she left the airliner and had to be carried from the plane by a newsman.

Miss Aadland almost ignored her mother who was in the welcoming party and refused to go home with her.

Instead she went into hiding accompanied by a lawyer and a press agent.

Flynn died here Wednesday following a heart attack. He arrived last week with Miss Aadland to sell his yacht, Zaca, to West Vancouver promoter George Caldough.

On the flight from Vancouver to Los Angeles Miss Aadland revealed her age as 22 and not 17 as both she and Flynn had claimed recently.

She was refused a drink by a waiter in the cocktail bar of Seattle airport because he recognized her from newspaper pictures and said he could not serve minors.

Miss Aadland then produced a passport showing a birthdate in September, 1937.

It was rumored in Vancouver earlier that she and Flynn were giving her age as 17 because he wanted to star her in “Lolita”—a part which requires a child.

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— David DeWitt


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