Every film has its errors! The Adventures of Robin Hood apparently also!

20 Oct

Have you spotted them also?

When Will Scarlet finds the injured Much in Sherwood Forest about three quarters of the way through the movie, a white vehicle can be seen travelling from right to left in the background.

When Robin jumps off the scaffold after being saved from hanging, you can see one of the soldiers spear tips bend under his weight.

In the scene where Robin is rescued from hanging, watch the shadows on the church in the background. It keeps going in and out of shadow.

After winning his fight with Guy of Gisbourne, Robin races to Marian’s door with his badly bent sword in hand. The moment he enters Marian’s chamber, the sword is perfectly straight again.

When Robin is competing in the golden arrow archery contest, Marion’s veil alters between being behind her right shoulder to in front of her shoulder, depending on which camera is shooting her.

The horse Robin is on when he is exhorting his men to return to Sherwood and the one he is on when he rides over to the right to slash the portcullis rope could be two different horses as their saddle cloths are different colors.

In the final sword fight, Basil Rathbone lunges past Errol Flynn, who dodges him and leaps to the floor below. Rathbone continues on dropping his sword at the base of the steps. In the next cut, however, the sword lies between Rathbone and Flynn – a good eight feet away – allowing Robin Hood to pick it up gallantly and offer it back.

The scene where Robin is being chased through Sherwood Forest, early on in the film, is supposed to be place at night. But, at several times, blue sky can be seen overhead. This was corrected on the DVD.

At the beginning of the movie in the castle two servants pull out a large chair for Robin to sit down. After the spear is thrown at the chair Robin picks it up over his head and throws it a good 15 feet. Quite a feat for something that was made out of solid oak.

After escaping from hanging, Robin heads for the castle gate. The first time we see it, the portcullis rope Robin later cuts is hanging away from the castle in a nice loop. In the next shot it is hanging vertically, but reverts to being a loop again for the rest of the scene.

At the beginning of the movie when Errol Flynn is escaping from within the castle he starts with five arrows in his quiver. He shoots ten, and when he’s finished he still has five left.

Robin, in his escape from the scaffold, pauses on his horse before the portcullis and exhorts his men to return to Sherwood. He then rides over to the right, draws a sword from behind him and slashes through the rope which activates the portcullis and rides the rope to the top of the wall. No sword is seen on the horse when he is exhorting his men.

When the soldiers have the man tied to some wine barrels, they begin filling a metal jug, but then they throw a wooden mug over his head.

In the scene near the beginning when Robin is in the “great hall” — a spear is thrown at his chair. He arises in time to avoid injury, but the spear goes through the back of the chair. However, the next time you see the chair, there is no hole in it.

When Robin escapes from hanging, he jumps from the scaffold onto his horse and rides off, all with his hands tied behind his back. When he jumps, just briefly before the shot changes, you can see his hands break the breakaway bindings and grab the horse’s saddle.

In the feast in the forest scene which occurs after Robin Hood and his men capture Sir Guy’s entourage, Robin sits next to Marian and offers her a roasted bird. She refuses the bird, but when the camera cuts back to Robin he has a mutton leg. Next the camera goes back to Marian who looks at Robin who now has the bird again.



— Don Jan


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  1. twinarchers

    The Real Person!

    Author twinarchers acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    October 21, 2015 at 4:36 pm

    I try to stay away from some of these but the sword in two different places can’t be avoided. What is interesting is that until I read about it somewhere I had never noticed it before.

    • Don Jan

      The Real Person!

      Author Don Jan acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      October 21, 2015 at 5:41 pm

      I have a trained eye for detail and the first time I saw this magnificent film I did notice some flaws in the film.
      I suppose no one is perfect.
      I also noticed in the film ” The good, the bad and the ugly” in the closing scene a red car was seen driving in the distance. I think we all have to accept these things in the film making industry and especially in 1939 when the film was made public.

  2. Gentleman Tim

    October 22, 2015 at 6:39 am

    Thank you for all the excellent posts, Don Jan! Great to have you here!

    Perhaps the white vehicle long thought to be an oversight and error may actually have been an early example of surreptitious product placement, in this case an ad for Robinhood Engineering Works Ltd.

    [img][/img]… (Scroll down to Robinhood Engineering ad)

    Or, especially as no actual driver is visible in this scene, one of the Vitagraph crew thought they heard Michael Curtiz yell “Bring on the Empty Autos”.

    • Don Jan

      The Real Person!

      Author Don Jan acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      October 22, 2015 at 11:36 am

      Good sense of humor you have! Plenty of horse power there!

  3. Maria

    The Real Person!

    Author Maria acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    November 17, 2015 at 12:06 am

    In case anyone can get this program the British program Time Team is exploring Sherwood Forest as well as (possibly) King John’s castle near there.