Mailbag! New Novel with A Robin Hood Twist!

26 Oct

Thanks to author James Bradford Taylor for the news about his novel which has one of my favorite kinds of themes: time travel, finding yourself transported back to a much earlier era which leads to all sorts of complications, drama, comedy and action …

Robin Hood1Click the image to check out the free Preview on…

I’m told by the Author that this is a Robin Hood story, not an Errol Flynn story but “his presence is felt in a most unusual but satisfying way,” and the review on Amazon highly praises the writing. In part, it reads:

“I recommend this for all lovers of swashbuckling fiction, the action scenes are very well done but there is just as much romance of both the conventional and screw-ball variety. But like a Raphael Sabatini novel the adventure here is unleavened by any dismissal of the real consequences of violence. There are some very sobering scenes of things ‘going medieval’ that keep the mood from getting too giddy. In fact the most impressive effect Taylor brings off several times in the book is the deft key changes, in mood, atmosphere and attitude. There is certainly as much tragedy as triumph in this tale of 1215 and I found my elation was matched by sadness for the stories of these well-drawn characters.”

We tip our hat to Brad Taylor, and thank him again for letting us know about his book. Taylor is a longtime fan of Errol Flynn, and his films, particularly The Adventures of Robin Hood which inspires this book. 525 Kindle pages. Published June 25, 2015. You don’t have to own a Kindle device to read this book. The Kindle app is free for several kinds of devices, and computer operating systems.

— David DeWitt


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  1. Maria

    October 26, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    Another book for my list! Thanks David. I recently read 2 books by Angus Donald “Outlaw” and “Holy Warrior” -but I just kept looking for signs of Errol and of course I was wrong to do that. (…) . I will keep an eye out for this one!

    • David DeWitt

      October 27, 2015 at 1:32 am

      You can click on the image to go over to Amazon and preview some of the book for free.