Errolivia Mashup and Olivia Article

12 May

Hey Flynnatics,

I have attatched a mash up of photos from off set of 'Captain Blood' with Errol and Olivia, and i was wondering if anyone has any more photo's taken from this photoshoot offset?

Also here is an Article on Olivia, which about a 3rd of the way through she talks of Errol. Also it include a fantastic photo of Olivia taken recently by Bryan Adams…random, yes i know!…

Many Thanks,


— Sam


Posted in Main Page


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  1. Anonymous

    May 12, 2010 at 7:25 pm

    This was an EXCEPTIONAL article on Olivia- not the usual fare by ANY means … thanks for sharing.
    Best- Karl

  2. Anonymous

    May 13, 2010 at 12:48 am

    Hi Sam;
    You made a wonderful collage of Olivia and Errol, just lovely and this great article about Olivia, I did see it too – a while back, she looks so exquisite in her Dior coat and fit at that – at the unbelievable age of 93.
    I am making right now a new video “Olivia and Errol – 75 Years of Stardom – 1935 – 2010” not sure about the title yet! It is a good time – after all it is 75 years since Captain Blood.
    I put my power point application already together and I think I have music too, but maybe I purchase a new software somebody told me about “Pinnacle” software to make videos.
    Have you heard about it? What kind are you using to make your videos? Maybe you be so kind and answer me via my You Tube messaging!
    Take care Sam – great to see you active on the EFBlog!
    Tina – Bariebel

  3. Anonymous

    June 2, 2010 at 12:43 am

    Loved what you did with the pictures-some I had not seen before. I enjoyed the article also. Ms. Olivia never changes her stories so you know they are for real. Makes me want to watch Robin Hood!