Nat Cole Flynn from Istanbul, 1956…

26 Jun

Thanks to Steve Hayes…

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    June 26, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Magical moment from a very under-valued film.

  2. Anonymous

    June 27, 2010 at 1:41 am

    Thanks Davis and Steve for sharing this video – this is such a nice movie! Cornell Borchers was one the very big stars in Germany. I always liked her in any of her movies.

  3. Anonymous

    June 27, 2010 at 4:35 am

    Thanks Steve and David–another peek at EF. The velvet voice was nice to hear also.

  4. Anonymous

    June 29, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Awesome, David! I was asking myself what does this video have to do with Errol, until I watched it. lol

  5. Anonymous

    July 5, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Awesome indeed!! What a nice video. Ther have been many renditions of that song, but truly Nat sings it the best. It was interesting to watch Errol's reaction as well to the song too, the way he was reaching for her hand across the table, one can only wonder what he was thinking about at that moment, maybe he was wishing that his loves had lasted forever, you can just see it on his face. I have yet to see this movie but after watching this, I am going to find it somewhere and watch it. Thank you for putting this together and sharing it with us I really enjoyed it, Tammy.

  6. Anonymous

    July 5, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Hi Tammy:
    “Istanbul” is available on… for $13.99 New and Used for $5.76. Hope that helps to find it!
    Take care,

  7. Anonymous

    July 6, 2010 at 5:55 am

    Hi Tina, thanks. There are a few of his movies that I haven't seen and as they come on the Turner Classics Channel I try to record them but lately they just keep showing the regular ones more often than the rare ones.. I found that net-flix was pretty helpful in that regard, like Master of Ballentrae, and some of his later ones as well. I also found this web site called Movies Unlimited.Com…, and actually ordered some of his television appearances as well as some of his Errol Flynn Theatre episodes,like his last one The Golden Shanty. I hope that helps any one else who are having some difficulty finding his tv shows or some of his later movies. I haven't checked amazon for the movies lately as I have ordered some books that I have been wanting to read and have been busy reading them, one that I shouln't of read but it intrigued me just the same, David Bret's book, I know, , I know, I know but I had to find out for myself that it was pure crap-ola!! Take care, Tammy

  8. Anonymous

    July 6, 2010 at 3:17 pm

    Hi Tammy;
    For rare movies of Errol I found best… – no www.
    I am looking for “The Big Boodle” and I am unable to find it, but I am sure to find it eventually.
    Take care,

  9. Anonymous

    July 10, 2010 at 3:58 am

    Hi Tina, thanks for the web site , I can't wait for some time off from work so I can watch some of these movies I've ordered, thanks to you. I have a question for you, do you know when Olivia's book will be coming out or have I missed it? Gee I hope I haven't missed it. I've ordered another book, Adventures Of A Realife Rogue, its about his trip and exploits with Hermann Erbann in Spain. Hope you are having a cool summer, I'm melting here in Va. Bye for now, Tammy

  10. Anonymous

    July 10, 2010 at 5:25 am

    Hi Tammy;
    I am glad to be of service when it comes to Errol and I am sure you will find the time to watch the movies. Enjoy!
    Olivia's book is coming out in October and I do not want to miss it either. I have an order in with Amazon since February for “Adventures Of A Real Life Rogue”, but there is a problem to receive it or it is not yet released or published. I have no idea what it is? I had no idea of the content, but I hope it is more than Spain with Hermann F. Erben. Errol only was nine days or something like that in Spain. So you are from Virginia that is great – I am melting in Toronto. Have you seen Virginia City? It is a great movie only Miriam Hopkins is no Olivia de Havilland. Anyway, if you need some information – just ask me – maybe I can help.
    Take care,

  11. Anonymous

    July 10, 2010 at 6:42 am

    Hey Tina, Yes I have seen Va. City, I absolutely agree with you about Miriam, bad choice indeed but it is a good movie and Errol is so good looking in it. I know what you mean about the Adventures book, seems like I've been waiting for ever for it myself, I wonder whats up with it. Thats neat that you are from Toronto. We just went to Niagra Falls last summer! I have an uncle that lives in Ontario, I hope to visit him next year hopefully.Well keep cool as will I, October cant come soon enough, two great books to look forward to maybe three, if the other one finally gets here. Thanks again, Tammy

  12. Anonymous

    July 10, 2010 at 6:49 am

    I've had this book on order since last year! I think maybe David could fill us in on what is the hold up? I'm enjoying Buster Wiles. I like reading about EF when it is someone who actually knew him doing the writing. Right now Buster is recounting the accident with Jack Budlong. For some reason I thought I read that it took place during the making of the Charge of the Light Brigade but it apparently was They Died With Their Boots On. Buster gives a lot more detail of the event. He also explains the Jimmy Fidler incident was not all about Arno. Bud Ernst is mentioned as coming to the rescue to fly an emergency mission. I'm learning more and more and I'm not even half way through! By the way, Tina–my copy is sadly not autographed but is in excellent condition. The dust cover as a few nicks but the book itself is pristine.

  13. Anonymous

    July 10, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    Insiders tell me this book will never see the light of day. The author, our alumnus, Lincoln Hurst, is gone, and his research was left an irretrievable mess. Sorry.

  14. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 1:18 am

    Hi Robert;
    What do you mean? Lincoln Hurst is gone? Gone Where? And his research was left an irretrievable mess?
    Can you please give us more detailed information as quite a few members of this blog have this book on order?
    If you have some inside information or any details we would be very appreciative to know more!
    Best regards,

  15. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 2:08 am

    Hi Tammy;
    If you are ever in Ontario maybe we could meet, I would like that!
    Where in Ontario is your uncle?
    Robert sent a mysterious message about this book of Lincoln Hurst, I wonder what this is all about? A book shrouded in mystery?!?
    I have ordered a NEW book from Ken Roueche, titled “Portland: The other Jamaica” for $25.00 Canadian available from… as advertised in the “Docklines”, which David DeWitt brings to us direct from Jamaica. Apparently there is lot in it from Errol and he interviewed Patrice for details on his book. So we have some nice things to look forward to in the future.
    Take care,

  16. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 2:24 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    Yes, me too is waiting for this book for a long time, but maybe “Robert the Great” can furbish us with some details?
    You are so right about Buster Wiles' book. I just finished reading it and it sure puts some light on various false information we have. Most enlightening!
    I was just lucky to get this autographed copy – sadly not to me, but nevertheless it is autographed and all of it in new condition.
    I am glad you are enjoying it as I did – just wonderful! I think it is definitely one of the best books ever written about Errol and more so by a person who lived with him and was so closely associated with him. One of the best books ever – “a must have” for any Errol Fan and so much enjoyable to read it!
    Take care,

  17. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 2:31 am

    Hi Kathleen;
    Yes, me too is waiting for this book for a long time, but maybe “Robert the Great” can furbish us with some details?
    You are so right about Buster Wiles' book. I just finished reading it and it sure puts some light on various false information we have. Most enlightening!
    I was just lucky to get this autographed copy – sadly not to me, but nevertheless it is autographed and all of it in new condition.
    I am glad you are enjoying it as I did – just wonderful! I think it is definitely one of the best books ever written about Errol and more so, by a person who lived with him and was so closely associated with him for so many years. One of the best books ever – “a must have” for any Errol Fan and so much enjoyable reading!
    Take care,

  18. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 5:18 am

    Hey Tina, yes wouldn't that be great if we could meet. He lives in a town or city called Whitby. The very last time I visited Canada I was 9, and I remember a playground that had like some slides there that went through buckets sort of like jack and jill, does it still exist? Wow, what a mystery about this book hugh? I mean, what the *#*#! Yes, I did order that book you mentioned, it does sound interesting doesn't it? Hopefully we won't go through this with Ken Roueche! Bye for now, Tammy

  19. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    Can't Rudy B help out, or is he also “gone?”

  20. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 5:59 pm

    Hi Kathleen;
    Do you mean Rudy Behlmer? He is still alive – 83 years old. I would like to ask Rudy Behlmer a very serious question: Why did he ever lowered his standards to such a degrading level to be one of the three editors of “The Untold Story”? Editors: Ken McCormick. Jeanne Bernkopf and Rudy Behlmer.
    “Is he Foe or Friend”?!?
    But, as I looked up if he is still alive I found something very interesting on documentaries which were made about Errol Flynn's movies by him and other notables. See my post! I wonder how we could find out how to acquire copies of them?
    Have a look on this website:…
    Take care,

  21. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Hi Tammy;
    The town of Whitby is a stone throw away from me. I don't know if the playground is still there, but when you come we can check it out and have a ride on it! That sure would be fun!
    I am in contact with Ken Roueche he advised me that I was the first order of his book, so I asked him to autograph it for me and he said he will do so. I think we don't have to worry about this book.
    See you in Whitby in one of those fine days to come in the near or more distant future.
    All the best,

  22. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    Rudy is indeed alive and well. I just spoke with him yesterday and we'll be meeting for our regular lunch next week. As for the questionable book dedication, Rudy didn't lower himself. Higham pulled a fast one by including Rudy's name for purposes of prestige and credibility. He had sent Rudy the pre-pub manuscript and all Rudy did was give it a quick overview. Next thing he knows, his name is connected to that piece of garbage. Poor Rudy: a good man taken advantage of.

  23. Anonymous

    July 11, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Give him a “Hey” when you see him. He's great.

  24. Anonymous

    July 12, 2010 at 2:55 am

    Hi Robert;
    You say that Rudy's name was used without his permission as an editor? If so, he could have sued Higham and with it put an immediate slant to the book. Is there nobody who could sue for the false information he publishes? I know the Flynn family can't do it, but Rudy is alive and his name was named in a false context. So what is the reason why he did not sue Higham?
    Best regards,