Art Gallery Candid

14 Apr

Flynn with Faye Emerson outside the Flynn-Decker Art Gallery. Michael Curtiz has his back to the camera. I don't know who the other two guys are. The painting (photograph?) between Flynn and Emerson is allegedly John Decker's portrait of Mrs. Decker but I have no way of verifying that info. The unguarded look on Flynn's face tells a story of its own. His expression shows pure affection.

— Shamrock

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  1. Anonymous

    April 27, 2007 at 2:37 pm

    What a rare find Tom! Fay Emerson was, of course, a supporting player in Uncertain Glory- the woman he struck up an “acquaintance” with, while Sheldon Leonard went off to get him $ and papers. And yes, they still do look friendly.