A nice note from Nick Thomas…

02 Jul

Nick Thomas writes to us at The Errol Flynn Blog…


You folks may enjoy a new article I have in the summer issue of “Films
of the Golden Age” about “Rocky Mountain.” I tracked down and
interviewed Dick Jones and Patrice Wymore, who both shared memories of
working with Errol.

I included lots of photos from my collection, too. A pdf of the article
should be on my web site soon.

Nick Thomas…

Nick, thanks for the note and we will be checking out your site and looking forward to this story!


— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


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  1. Anonymous

    July 3, 2010 at 4:54 am

    He did a great article for EF's 100th. I'll be watching for this also.

  2. Anonymous

    September 16, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    Wonderful article! The film is so poignant at the end, brought tears to my eyes…. :~( Spot almost steals the whole show at the end…he closes his eyes during their salute to the fallen Confederates…. Sigh….! I truly think it's one of Flynn's better roles, shows a side of him he didn't get to show as much as the swashbuckler. It is kind of a tense film…you know what's coming in the end…but really held my interest…
    Trivia question: Does anyone know if the plaque shown in the film's opening scenes really exists? I have tried searching online for it, can't find it. Did they make it for the film? Does anyone know? Thanks!

  3. Anonymous

    September 16, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    Brenda, I've had this question, too, thanks for asking it to the experts. As for the film, I do not really like its logic. You hear Errol's voice at the beginning telling about the events, so every normal viewer must assume that he is alive when he tells them and looks back at everything, but no… I hate the ending, have to cry each time I watch it because it is so … useless! Only a few minutes more, and they would have been saved! They could have stayed in the mountains and would have had a perfect spot there to defend themselves against the Indians, but no… they prefer a sacrifice.