Errol and Eve Gray in “Murder at Monte Carlo” 1934

07 Jul

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    May 11, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    Does anyone have this film on VHS or DVD? My email address is la************@gm***.com This film and Hello God is all I lack. Thanks, Larry

  2. Anonymous

    May 11, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    Good luck, Larry–those films are all the whole WORLD lacks! They, along with “I Adore You” have been missing for decades. Sorry 'bout that.

  3. Anonymous

    May 12, 2011 at 5:38 am

    Do you mean to say that you have “William Tell” on DVD or VHS????

  4. Anonymous

    May 12, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Hi Larry;
    You, every Errol Flynn fan around the world and all the members of this blog are looking for these missing movies, but it seems they are not available anywhere. Maybe one day let's keep hoping!
    Take care,

  5. Anonymous

    May 12, 2011 at 9:39 pm

    Tina, I had William Tell on CD. I can get another copy. What I did was present it as a gift to the owner of Gozillaflix and he loved it. He sent me a DVD of the Adventures of Robin Hood in pristine condition with all of the fight scenes that had been left on the cutting room floor at WB. I own a copy of the Complete Metropolis with the 25 minutes that was found in Argentina. In 1964 they would show feature films in the auditorium when I was in high school and I saw the Sea Hawk on large screen. It would seem that Murder at Monte Carlo would be found in England. It was filmed there. Have a great day! Larry

  6. Anonymous

    May 13, 2011 at 8:47 am

    Hold on, hold on… You really HAD William Tell on CD? How much of the footage actually? As for Hello God, there might be news some day…

  7. Anonymous

    May 13, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    No visuall it was about 55 minutes and all dialogue. Errol actually tried to steal Hello God, but was unsuccessful. It was released in europe. Jack Warner didn't like the film and it was to him anti war and he felt the american public wouldn't accept it. Larry

  8. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 1:48 am

    Hi Larry;
    You say you had the William Tell CD – the actual half hour footage? That would be amazing! How could you get another copy? I would love to have one. I purchased Crossed Swords from Gozillaflix and it is o.k, I wouldn't say prestine, but good. I have a copy which is atrocious and paid $ 25.00 for it. Would Gozillaflix sell the William Tell and more so the Robin Hood one with the extra footage which is not in the movie?
    What do you mean with – you own a copy of “the Complete Metropolis?'
    You are right “Murder at Monte Carlo” was filmed in England, but I was told by the BBC that they think it was lost in a bombardment during the war. I would say if it would be somehow available they would produce copies as they make copies of all the early movies of Errol. But we can keep on hoping.
    It is great to have you on board

  9. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 2:20 am

    The complete “Metropolis” with the missing footage is now available commercially.
    A copy of “Murder At Monte Carlo” was sent to WB in Hollywood and I'm in the process of hunting it down.

  10. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 3:23 am

    I called TCM in 2007 about this film. They said a request was made to restore this film for a festival. After searching their archive it was declared lost. I pray you are successful in tracking down this film. I've been searching four years on this film. Larry

  11. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 3:51 am

    Hi Robert;
    You are right, they should have a copy as Irving Asher must have sent on to Warner, because I read that it was “Murder at Monte Carlo” for which Errol received the contract to go to Hollywood.
    If anybody can find it, I am sure you will!

  12. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 3:56 am

    Hi Robert;
    Please could you explain to me what it means
    “The complete “Metropolis” with the missing footage is now available commercially.”
    How does one know the difference in what ever it is?
    Thank Tina

  13. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 4:15 am

    Hi Larry;
    I am surprised that you could speak to TCM, must have been a real treat. I find TCM to be the most unapproachable, inaccessible and standoffish company. No phone number for any information – just for ordering, no email, no contact us – no nothing! One can't speak to anybody!
    I wonder how you got a phone number and have a conversation with anybody? Just curious!
    Take care,

  14. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 5:08 am

    Because the new version indicates and highlights it:

  15. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 5:52 am

    Tina, we were lucky here in Germany some time back when they screened this complete version on TV, it was just amazing. It proves that sometimes one is lucky and can find lost treasures, and be it in Argentina.

  16. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    Hi Robert;
    How is this Complete-Metropolis movie connected with Errol?
    I told you – the dust has taken over!
    Take care,

  17. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Inga;
    Are you saying you saw “Murder at Monte Carlo” on TV or you saw Complete Metropolis? I am quite stymied with all the latest confusing posts. Is it old age, kitchen dust or what? – that I don't understand?
    It would be nice if somebody sorts out my confusions!
    Take care,

  18. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    Tina, my poor one… I spoke of Metropolis which I saw on TV.
    I think the confusion stems from the fact that Larry mentioned that he owned the Complete Metropolis in connection with other rare goodies. He just wanted to underline that rare stuff is available. Then you asked what it meant and hence, with all the different levels of comments, came further questions and answers. There is no connection of Errol to Metropolis except that parts of Metropolis were, for a long time, also considered as lost, as is the case with so many Flynn films. Now a little better?

  19. Anonymous

    May 14, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Hi Inga;
    You sure can say “Poor Tina”, I can't remember ever having been so confused in my life! Quite a rarity for me – it must be the dust – haha!
    Look forward to your words of wisdom!
    Take care,

  20. Anonymous

    May 27, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    Tina, My second copy of Crossed Swords is pristine. When Murder at Monte Carlo was made the British studio of Warner Bros sent a copy to Jack Warner in Hollywood to judge Errol himself, he asked his personal secretary what she thought and she responded He's already a star and this was before they finished Captain Blood. The 5 star version of the Advetures of Robin Hood is on sale at Gozillaflix for $9.95 right now. Grab it! I paid twice that for my copy. Larry

  21. Anonymous

    May 27, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    Does anyone know the last where abouts of “I Adore You”? I couldn't find this film in EF filmography. Larry

  22. Anonymous

    May 27, 2011 at 11:19 pm

  23. Anonymous

    May 28, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    Hi Larry;
    I did purchase a copy of Crossed Swords from Gozillaflix and it is very good, I would say not pristine, but very good. I bought “The Sword of Villon” not from Gozillaflix, it is so bad one can hardly make out the movie it is so dark – much worse than the first copy of Crossed Swords I bought.
    By the way, I thought that it was Irving Asher, England's Warner Brothers boss, who asked his personal secretary what she thought of Errol and she responded “He is already a Star!” There are always different stories around.
    What is the difference between the 5 star Robin Hood and the usual copies? I have two copies and they are both the same and of which one is from the TCM package.
    Take care,

  24. Anonymous

    May 28, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    Tina, The 5 star copy is from Gozillaflix. They buy their copies on reel. My copy has all of the deleted fight scenes on my DVD. Does your Crossed Swords copy say Pristine on the outer cover? Also, The top 3rd is in Italian. Larry

  25. Anonymous

    May 29, 2011 at 12:28 am

    Hi Larry;
    That is very interesting, has your DVD the jousting tournament or part of it, which were deleted. There are pictures of Errol wearing a chain-like armor, which is from this jousting scene.
    No my copy doesn't say Pristine! On top of the cover it says: “Il Maestro di Don Giovanni” Within the picture of Errol and Gina top left side it says: “aka Crossed Swords”
    On the bottom of the picture it gives Gina top billing where top billing was Errol's.
    At the back there are 15 pictures and… advertising 10,000 rare flix, it also says on the bottom digitally remastered.
    That's all! No Pristine and I just bought in March for $29.95 plus shipping.
    Please let me know about the fight scenes and I just might buy it too.
    Thanks for the information and my best wishes to you,

  26. Anonymous

    May 29, 2011 at 2:27 am

    The jousting scene was never filmed, and the only real deleted scenes were the duel and archery challenge between Friar Tuck, Robin Hood, and King Richard, and the final scene of Robin and Marian riding off into the sunset.

  27. Anonymous

    May 29, 2011 at 4:31 am

    Hi Robert;
    Thank you for this great information, much appreciated!

  28. Anonymous

    May 29, 2011 at 5:52 am

    Tina, we talked about DVDs, let's come back to that topic BEFORE you buy it.

  29. Anonymous

    May 29, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    Thanks – I will!

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    September 8, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    Hello, Has anyone seen any candid photos from the set of Murder At Monte Carlo.?I have about 5 portraits , 6 scenes and a 6×8 program . Years ago i heard that John Kobal had a one sheet. Thanks Tom