About Spamming Blogs, and Traffic Building

31 Jul

Hallo, Chums! I must thank Tina for spotting several spam comments and letting me know about them recently… spamming a blog is frowned upon by most bloggers or website Admins and doing so will usually get your backlink deleted at discovery. Many times the commet made is generic or some attempt small attempt to make sense in the statement is there but generally, the more comments left in a hurry the more ground the spammer can cover, I guess! Leaving comments with backlinks is, however, IF done properly, a legitimate way to create traffic back to your own websites since incoming links are seen as valuable by search engines, especially if the site linking back to your site is active and has traffic… So what is the difference between spamming a site and getting a legitimate backlink that the owners of websites and their Admins will allow?

The major difference is that the spammer only cares about the link returning to their sites or affiliate pages and not the substance of their comments or the value they may have to the readers of the site they are leaving their comment and backlink on…

An example of a non-spamming, good traffic building comment with a related backlink is AdsMalorca who has left a great comment and returned to make another comment when asked a question. If you are a reader of the blog, or website, with something interesting to add to the content your chances of having your backlink left alone increase dramatically and you are not considered a spammer, too boot!

AdsMalorca's site and comments relate to the blog and so I am happy to leave the links alone!

I have gone forth to create traffic back to this blog in the past and still have backlinks working for us at TCM, for example, that have been there for years and still come up in Google searches!

If you have a website to promote consider visiting blogs and other sites related to your own and leave relevant, interesting comments with a backlink if allowed and enjoy free traffic for years to come. But don't make the mistake many do of jotting down any senseless comment and thinking your backlink will survive for very long…

One of the best ways to create traffic back to your websites and blogs is to do some article marketing. There are article directories on the internet that allow you to place an author's box containing backlinks at the conclusion of your articles. Read and obey their guideslines and rules carefully and start building traffic to your sites that last and articles that get picked up by other websites for use as content which brings you even more traffic over time…

One of the most often spammed articles on the blog has been John's excellent series on Jamaica and the Titchfield Hotel. It's an article series with lots of readers so it draws the attention of those seeking to create a backlink on the blog to their sites quite often…

Most of them get chipped off like barnacles…

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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  1. Anonymous

    August 1, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Here is a classic spam comment just posted to again, the Titchfield Hotel Part 1 Extra Photos:
    I am grateful for the chance to let me comment on this site. I am currently been searching ways that would let me gain more knowledge about the article here being posted. I love the step by step approach for us to understand the description of the said topic discussed here.
    Under this sensemaking neutral comment is the url!
    …uh, was the url…