Errol & Olivia, A Preview!

02 Sep

Robert Matzen's book Errol & Olivia has a free preview in PDF format that you can download!

Errol & Olivia PDF Preview

Checkout the website at:…

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    September 30, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    My copy of E & O just arrived yesterday and its all I can do to get any work done around my little ranch, I can't seem to put it down for long….what a read, so many new tidbits in there and photos galore….a must have for serious Flynn fans!

  2. Anonymous

    September 30, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    Yeah, I too got my copy of Robert Matzen's amazing new E & O book, and while I haven't yet had time to sit down and read through it all (I plan on doing so very soon), I got SO excited just looking through the book and seeing all those fantastic pictures — it was all I could do to just put the book down for one minute! I SO can't wait to read it all from cover to cover! :-)

  3. Anonymous

    October 1, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    ….i.I did it….stayed up till 2:15 am this morning and polished it off…such a great read…so much new *(for me) insight on their relationship together. Those candid shots of them on the Santa Fe Trail movie junket *which premiered on my birthday, Dec 13th…hmmmm…wonder if this is why it's always been one of my Flynn favorites? “~) Well, those shots do speak a 1,000 words…. Amazing book. The research he did was phenomonal. I already bought a second copy of EFSH for my friends' Christmas present!

  4. Anonymous

    October 1, 2010 at 11:42 pm

    Wow, Brenda — you finished the book already?! I haven't even started it yet, but I hope to soon. I want to savor it all and take my time, but sadly these days I don't have much free time, so I'll be reading it on and off for a while at least.
    Anyway, I know which Sante Fe movie junket photos you're talking about, and I agree — they do say so much…they make me want so badly to know what Errol and Olivia were discussing with each other! :-)

  5. Anonymous

    October 2, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    I received mine yesterday as well. I started to look through it and knew I had to actually sit down and savor it and take my time. Can't wait to start! Also, Brenda, you are so lucky you have friends to share your passion of EF with. Mine are so bored whenever I bring him up in the conversation that I just plain gave up. Lucky David D. started this blog . . . thank you David!

  6. Anonymous

    October 2, 2010 at 11:43 pm

    Hi Kathleen!
    I'm a relative “newbie” to the Errol Flynn “fandom” and I joined the blog here b/c I wanted to find fellow Flynn fans, since I too have no other friends (offline) with which I can share my passion for EF. So you're not alone. :-) And yes, many thanks to David for creating this blog for all of us!

  7. Anonymous

    October 3, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    Hi Rachel. Glad you found the blog!

  8. Anonymous

    October 4, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Thanks Kathleen! Yep, I'm definitely glad I found this blog — it's great. :-)

  9. Anonymous

    October 5, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    My girlfriend's father met Flynn. He was young a kid when he did, probably late teens, who somehow got invited to a party on the Sirocco (I am pretty sure it was that yacht, not the Zaca) when it was docked someplace in either Long Beach or San Pedro. He told her that Flynn and cronies smuggled a horse aboard and stuffed it in the master bathroom. It was a wild party. Has anyone else heard this story? Anyhow she and I are same age…and total Flynn fans. Yes, most folks yawn or worse yet say “Who?”. :~( I'm trying to pass it on however; my son is 24 and he was forced (ha) to watch repeat viewings of Captain Blood, etc. as a child…and he loved them!

  10. Anonymous

    October 6, 2010 at 3:42 am

    Brenda, so funny! I have had rolled eyes along with the “not this again” look. I too had Captain Blood, etc. available for my kids (age 33, 32 and 29) available to watch over and over. In fact, when my Marine was home we downloaded Silver River and others to watch. How's a horse going to fit in a bathroom? LOL

  11. Anonymous

    October 30, 2010 at 8:14 pm

    I finally finished reading Robert Matzen's “Errol & Olivia” book, and “WOW!” is what I have to say! I highly recommend this book — it's an absolute must-read for Flynn fans, and especially for “Errolivia” fans! After reading it, I felt a lot like I felt after having read Errol's autobio MWWW…Matzen's book had sucked me in and “drained” me emotionally; it was like being on an emotional rollercoaster, but one I very much enjoyed in the end. One reviewer of the book said it best when she said that at times she wanted to kiss and hug the book (because it's *that* good), and at other times she wanted to throw the book across the room (because parts of it can be “intense”). That's pretty much how I felt while reading it. :-) Still, I'm SO glad a book was finally written about Errol and Olivia, and it contains so many wonderful photos too! My one and only “complaint” of sorts about the book is that, at times, Matzen comes down pretty hard on Errol, more so than he does on Olivia. I know Matzen is a long-time Flynn fan, but he doesn't let Errol off easy much of the time — he doesn't cut Errol much slack, as it were. Yet you can still tell how much he does admire both Olivia and Errol, and in the end he concludes that they really did love each other (in a bittersweet kind of way). Needless to say, this book made me laugh out loud, made me cry, and made me think more about both Errol and Olivia, and made me love and appreciate them and their films all the more.
    So thank you, Robert Matzen! :-)

  12. Anonymous

    October 31, 2010 at 8:18 am

    Thank YOU for your wonderful review, Rachel – I hope I get my copy here in Europe soon, too! Can't wait, especially after what you wrote here!

  13. Anonymous

    October 31, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    You're welcome, Inga…though I didn't really write a review of the book, per se. :-)
    Yes, do get yourself a copy of the book. Like I said, it's a must-read. :-)