Sirocco Club

08 Dec

Hi all members,


I have a close contact and ardent Flynn fan and collector in Finland, who apparently has a “Sirocco Club” member card with member name mentioned on it dated to the '30s and we both would like to know more about it. Any information regarding this would be welcome to help him out. It has never been mentioned in the many biographies etc, I have read.

Personally, having read almost everything about Flynn that is available, I don't know anything about this particular subject apart from Errol having a yacht named “Sirocco” for the second time which is fatal in naval terms, but nevertheless knowing our hero he did anyway and bless him for this, as we all know that he defied the normal etc. and that is at least one of the reasons why we respect him so much.

Kind regards,



— Don Jan


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  1. Anonymous

    December 8, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    As a start, what is the member's name?

  2. Anonymous

    December 9, 2010 at 7:37 pm

    Hi, I need to check with my contact as he has not given me permission to give out the name in public for personal reasons, although I know it, I have to do it his way and I like to do this right. I have a photo with the name on the member card. it is all do with respect and I believe very much in that.
    Kind regards,

  3. Anonymous

    December 14, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    I think it is better not to mention this member's name, my good friend simply likes to find out if there is anybody out there who has knowledge about this “Sirocco Club”, I have never read about it in all the many books written about Errol, I know it is a long time ago since Errol had his second “Sirocco” but one never knows. Perhaps some more info turns up. Would be great!!

  4. Anonymous

    December 14, 2010 at 7:37 pm

    As long as there is no further information available, this can be a member card of ANYTHING – including a nightclub in Africa or anywhere else in the world! I don't know how many ships there are out there with the name of “Sirocco”, or any other kind of clubs. So unless you can furnish us with a LITTLE more information, I don't see why there should be any connection to Errol at all.

  5. Anonymous

    December 14, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Well said, Aresia. That's why I had hoped for more info to aid in the research.

  6. Anonymous

    December 29, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Hi Aresia,
    I believe that my Flynn fan friend has been in touch with Robzak himself about this “Sirocco Club” matter, I suggested myself for him to contact the LA port authorities if them perhaps can help him further, I am certain it has very much to do with EF's yacht at the time.
    Also, this fiend of mine just puchased the rare book I possessed, “The Young Errol. Flynn before Hollywood”, without any problems. Very smooth operation. I am delighted that he owns it now. He bought “The Big Love” also, as a matter of fact he has some very collectible memorabilia.
    For myself, I am on the verge of releasing some of own proud collection, including Errol's cufflinks, a sumptuous satin designer smoking jacket in mint condition. Soon also, an extremely special Sterling silver cigarete case given to him by Barrymore in the late 30's. Not intending to make a profit, I am ready now to find a new owner.