Yes, Robin Hood at a Theatre Near YOU!

22 Feb


Thanks to Kristen Barbabella …

— David DeWitt

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  1. Gentleman Tim

    February 22, 2016 at 1:36 am

    What a fantastic photo, Kristen. Thank you!


    “Casting an eye about on coming events, one of the most important is the impending arrival of Warner Brothers ‘Robin Hood’ at the Hippodrome Theatre*, with Errol Flynn as the swashbuckling hero of Sherwood Forest.

    Screened behind locked doors the other afternoon for reviewers it emerged as another example that while Warners can produce some of the most banal films today, they can also come forward with the very finest of cinematic art.
    And ‘Robin Hood’ I believe will be just that. Photographed in Technicolor, supplied with an excellent cast, it is crowded with action and suspense as one exciting sequence followed another. Primarily perhaps for children, it also should have enormous appeal for adults as well, and no one will be able to deny the superiority of Basil Rathbone’s performance.

    This is in no sense a review, but simply an announcement that as [?] ‘Mad about Music,’ with Deanna Durbin, has run its course, Mr. Flynn will be along with his portrayal of the famous bandit. And you should find it a very satisfying characterization.”

    Winsor French, April 29th 1938.

    * A different, stateside Hippodrome, I believe.
