More from the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

29 Jan

Here are two photos that our pal Chris Driscoll says may be a bit grainy but show the outside and a room inside of a house that Errol lived in with his parents in Hobart. Chris writes:

David, I found these photos of one of Errol's childhood homes in Hobart. Don Norman originally showed me the house from the street and on another occasion I returned and asked permission to photograph the house from the street and the current owners asked me in and showed me up to Errol's bedroom. His bedroom was upstairs and facing the street.
Apologies for the grainy quality of the bedroom shot, but at least you'll get ( I hope ) a feeling or some resonance of Errol's journey.

The street shot is better quality though. It was really exciting to be in his home. It's not the home
where he set fire to the garage though. I cant exactly remember which Hobart suburb it's in but suffice to say it's walking distance to the city centre. I think it's in the vicinity of Sth Hobart. It was definitely south of the central business district.

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    January 30, 2011 at 4:47 am

    A beautiful home. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. Anonymous

    January 30, 2011 at 8:03 am

    Great, thanks for sharing! I can imagine how it must have felt to be there.