Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Stamps & Envelopes!

17 Mar

Gene Ingram, our member, wrote the following comment on the blog:

“Quite awhile back I had some dealings with an old gentleman that dealt in stamps and Errol had sent him a great number of 4 X 5 envelopes with his name printed on the back flap, in pencil on the front were several countries in Europe and South America inside were stamps from the 1940’s, the gentleman would then send them to Errol when he had collected a great number. I still have 27 of the envelopes and there are close to 100 stamps in them. The envelopes are the real deal, I don’t think anyone would go to the trouble of having them printed up , them collecting a bunch of WW II era stamps and filling them, and selling them for what I paid for them! I would add a picture but at 73, I am not that good at posting more than the printed word.”

I asked if he could get the photos to us, I’d love to see them, and he kindly sent me the following photos!





Thanks so much, Gene!

— David DeWitt


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    March 17, 2016 at 6:31 pm

    How Very Cool, Gene! Thanks!



    P.S. Do you know where the man was from and/or how he came to know Flynn?

    • geneingram1942

      March 18, 2016 at 1:18 am

      I am sorry, I went back through my files and can not find my records of the purchase of the envelopes and stamps. I will continue to look for them.