Rare Errol Flynn Napkin owned by Jan from Spain!

13 Mar

Here is a rare item owned by Jan from Spain who tells me that the picture sent to us was “…taken just now at night, the outer border is actually off-white but it
turned out pink. Surely Errol's spirit was looking over my shoulder
while I was snapping away. Anyway, it is a laugh, right?”

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    March 13, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    Well, on the one hand it's funny. But on the other hand it's also kinda sad.

  2. Anonymous

    March 14, 2011 at 7:57 am

    This napkin came from Errol's bar at Mulholland Farm in LA. A real treasure. Apparently Errol never trusted women, probably he invented this quirky and eloquent statement due to bad experience. I hink he was a bit of a male chauvinist.
    Makes me think then why women have smaller feet than men as they can get closer to the kitchen sink.

  3. Anonymous

    March 14, 2011 at 8:13 am

    In fact, how do you know that it came from Mulholland and that it was owned by Errol? There's no insignia or anything… Just curious. And yes, Rachel, made me feel sad, too… I think we girls feel stronger about it…

  4. Anonymous

    March 14, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    As a collector for many years, I always bought my selected items from an extremely high profile and highly recomended trader/agent who I trusted implicitly. That particular person with a great reputation, worked hard over the years to keep that perfectly intact, has a enormous legion of secure contacts in the film and entertainment business. The items this person got hold of are just awesome, believe me dear. The item goes with a CoA. (By the way, anybody for Liberace cufflinks ??)
    I just thought it would be a great addition to the website as it is so quirky. Perhaps people doubt too much these days. Buy with confidence I always say! If you know what you want in life, go for it, we only live once. Legends, however, live forever in history or in people's minds.
    PS My comment about women with smaller feet than men might open the door wide for comment about male chauvinism which is not intended. It was a joke actually I heard years ago!!

  5. Anonymous

    March 14, 2011 at 8:52 pm

    Women in Errol's time had to put up with a lot of stereotypes about their gender. It is evident in many old classic films and in television of the fifties. Today women would not stand for any of the attitudes taken for granted about them in those days. It was a different era and Flynn was naturally a part of his own era. This does not mean that women did not find ways to be powerful in their relationships with men. It means they had to fight and fight hard for rights that men took for granted. With all the strides forward for women, that fight is not yet over… and in some countries it has barely begun.

  6. Anonymous

    March 14, 2011 at 11:58 pm

    Hi David;
    You sure hit the nail on the head saying that “in some countries it has barely begun!”
    In addition, you are saying:”This does not mean that women did not find ways to be powerful in their relationships with men”.
    I am always wandering if I am “the odd man out”, because when I lived in Austria as a young woman I never felt that women were treated as a sort of second class citizen rather the opposite.
    Men were gentlemen, one felt protected by them and men respected highly the woman's position. Woman had a lot more power than was maybe seen on the surface.
    My experience was always that the woman was in charge of the household and the family, as was the case with all my relatives, families of friends and my own family.
    Father earned the money but mother administered it.
    A good example in a small sense would be the wonderful movie with Barbara Bel Geddes “I remember Mama.”
    Father would always say “You have to ask Mama, if you need help I will assist”
    Have other members of this Blog with European background the same experiences? I really would love to know? Maybe I lived a sheltered life – I sometimes wonder?
    I remember coming to Canada and I became General Manager of a company with 180 employees, women employees used to talk about woman's Lib and I had to ask what it stands for. As I became familiar with it and the problems women faced then in Canada, I had always had the feeling that these conditions did not existed in Europe or maybe just in a rare minority. I never felt when living in Europe that women were not as we say today – liberated. But I sure felt it in Canada that women were at a disadvantage. As an example women were paid less than men for the same work – etc.
    Aresia, could you please ask your mother and your grandmother of what their opinions are to this subject?
    Maybe we have more members on this Blog who can share their inside!
    David, maybe you have opened a can of worms? And this time not much to do with Errol – except he definitely was NOT a chauvinist!!!
    All the best to you,

  7. Anonymous

    March 15, 2011 at 4:24 pm

    Tina, this is a very complex topic and I'm afraid it is not the place here to discuss it… just so much: my experiences are similar to yours, and my gran and mum always worked and did not let themselves “be made inferior” to men. I believe it strongly depends on the family you live in and your upbringing, and also on the society you live in. I could go into depth a lot, but dare not as it is no Errol-related topic.

  8. Anonymous

    March 15, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    Hi Inga;
    Oh, I know and it was not intended for a discussion or to go into depth – no way – just a feeling I had at the time of what was said or implied on the Blog. I liked David's post very much and I am glad that you confirm my thoughts and experiences.
    Take care,