Friends of Errol Flynn

29 Mar

Here are a few sample pages of one of the issues of 'The Friends of Errol Flynn' fanzine.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


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  1. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 8:03 am

    Hi Brian, I left a comment where I thanked you for the post yesterday, but it somehow got lost… The pages are really interesting, I was very impressed with the list of Flynn items sold and was wondering in which treasure chest they were resting now. Thanks again for sharing!
    David, if this pops up twice in the end, maybe you could delte one of them again? Thanks!

  2. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    Hi Inga,
    Yes, some absolutely fascinating items listed there. I think those samples pages give you an indication of what the Friends of Errol Flynn Fanzine was all about. It featured some very good quality content and Derek Duberry certainly knew his 'Flynn'. I know Lincoln Hurst held Derek in very high regard – unfortuntely Derek has slipped off the radar as so many often do.
    If you enjoyed them and would like a few more samples then drop me a message at my e-mail address (which I'm sure you have)
    best wishes,

  3. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Hi Brian;
    This is a wonderful post – thank you for sharing!
    Could you please tell me where copies of these newsletters would be still available for purchase?
    Take care, Tina

  4. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    Tina, I found some on ebay, just search for “Friends of Flynn” and you'll find them (if they're not sold).

  5. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    Hi Inga & Tina,
    I've seen the ones on e-bay and they are not the same as the ones I have put on here. If you look back to my post you will see that I mentioned there are two similarly titled fanzines Friends of Flynn (which I think are Swedish) and The Friends of Errol Flynn, which are what I have. The ones on e-bay are the Swedish ones – they are still very good.
    Tina – I could scan you my copies of the fanzines.
    best wishes,

  6. Anonymous

    March 30, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    Hi Brian;
    I looked at the internet, there are two on eBay, but those are not like your newsletter you posted on the blog. These on eBay show as well the inside and there are nothing but pictures like a collage. I am after those you posted with real news or things of interest.
    I gladly and most gratefully take you up on your offer if you are so kind. I am sure you have my e-mail, if not it's on the blog. I also should get your address again for Abdul The Damned. I have not forgotten, but as you know I was more or less in absentia for several months.
    Thanks a lot and take care,

  7. Anonymous

    April 5, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    Oh wow!!!
    I just finished reading through these newsletter pages — thank you so much, Brian, for sharing them with us!
    I'd love to see more newsletter pages, if you can post them!
    I'm especially interested in seeing those letters btw Errol & Olivia that were mentioned in this newsletter issue. Could they be posted here as well? :-)

  8. Anonymous

    April 6, 2011 at 9:10 am

    Hi Rachel,
    I did intentionally leave out the letters between Errol and Olivia, mainly because I sent a copy of them to Robert Matzen. Robert knew of the existence of the letters but had never seen them. He may find use for them if he revises his book on Errol and Olivia, for that reason alone I won't post them publically. I may post a few more other pages though in the future.
    Glad you enjoyed them.
    best wishes,

  9. Anonymous

    April 6, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    Ah, okay — thanks for the explanation, Brian. :-)
    Yes, Matzen mentioned (in his E&O blog) that he wants to publish a 2nd edition of his E&O book, so I do hope he includes those letters in it! :-)