April 14. 2011 Book Signing! Author Robert Matzen

14 Apr

Hello Fellow Flynn fans

This Thursday April 14 Author Robert Matzen and his lovely wife Mary will
be at Larry Edmunds selling their books Errol and Olivia and Errol Flynn
Slept here. They will be signing copies and I am sure if 
you own any one of these books Robert will be happy to sign your book for you.
This event starts at 7PM at Larry Edmunds
6644 Hollywood Boulevard 
Los Angeles, CA 90028   (323) 463-3273

I will be there to see Robert and Mary again and talk.  I hope to see some of you.

 Warmest regards,

Jack Marino 
Filmmaker/Radio Talk Show Host

Mr.EPluribus' interview with Jack Marino
Marino Film Group & Heroes Distribution 
are donating $5.00 of each FORGOTTEN
HEROES DVD to the American Veterans
Disabled for Life Memorial Fun

— David DeWitt

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