May 2011 Edition of the Errol Flynn Marina Newslettere, “Docklines” E

03 May

Attached please find the May 2011 issue of the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”

Please read the article Duppies? Or could it just be Errol? for a fascinating description of ghostly doings and a history of some of Flynn's boats and their current whereabouts!

Dale B. Westin

General Manager

Errol Flynn Marina
Box 188 Ken Wright Drive
Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica
Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044
Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8
Cellular: 876-832-4765…

— David DeWitt


Posted in Promo


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  1. Anonymous

    May 3, 2011 at 5:41 am

    What a great article about Errol's ghost!
    One thing is questionable to me in this article that he owned the Barbary in New Guinea? Has anybody any inside to that? I wonder how this could be traced?
    One statement is most defiantly WRONG in this section of the article, which is the naming of the Zaca!
    Errol never named the Zaca! Errol bought her as IX-73 a demilitarized US Navy vessel after World War II!
    The ZACA was a 118-foot gaff-rigged schooner named “Zaca” (the Chumash word for 'chief' and in Samoan meaning 'peace') she was commissioned by Templeton Crocker at a of cost $200,000.00. Crocker employed Garland Rotch to design the schooner who borrowed the lines for his second Zaca (which Errol bought) from Canada’s famed Bluenose. Zaca was built at the Nunes Brothers yard at Hurriane Gulch Sausilito in 1929 and launched by Marie Dressler. Templeton Crocker sponsored expeditions to Polynesia, traveled the world in this yacht and helped rejuvenate the California Historical Society. Rotch was Zaca's first captain and her maiden voyage in 1930 was the first time that a private yacht circumnavigated the globe from the West Coast.
    In 1941, every seaworthy private yacht over 75'was requisitioned by the U.S. Navy. Crocker was paid just $35,000 for his beloved and worth $350,000 schooner. She was used as a West Coast radio ship, to patrol for enemy ships and rescue downed pilots, she was renamed IX-73. She was fitted with anti aircraft machine guns and is credited with communicating positions of passing Japanese ships while off of the California coast.
    She was purchased at auction for $14,350.00 in 1945 and in 1946 purchased by Errol Flynn who proceeded to do a full, much needed restoration of the demilitarized ZACA.

  2. Anonymous

    May 4, 2011 at 9:50 pm

    Great comment, Tina! It occurs to me that I should have post this notice to the Promo section but I am bit distracted…

  3. Anonymous

    May 5, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    Thank you David.
    I just thought that I should put the record straight after all they should have the right information about Errol's Zaca being a Yacht Club – Marina in his name.
    One thing in the story of the ZACA is quite eerie. The Zaca Errol bought was the second Zaca of Templeton Crocker and he did not name it ZACA II, which he should have – re the Mariners story never name a boat by the same name as it brings bad luck. AND it did bring bad luck to Templeton Crocker too, as they took the boat away from him. We all know that Errol made the same mistake with his Sirocco and to top it off Errol bought the boat who's name was not named ZACA II as it should have been. Sort of like a double whamo in both accounts!