My tribute to Errol Flynn in 26 words!

17 Jun

These selected words probably sum up our man who will be 102 years on Monday and still very much alive!

Athletic, Baron, Charismatic, Debonair, Enigmatic, Fantastic, Grand, Hunk, Intelligent, Jester, Kind, Lover, Marvellous, Naughty, Overwhelming, Phenomenal, Quintessential, Roister, Sportsman, Theatrical, Unique, Virile, Wanderer, Xcellent, Yachtsman, Zest.


I am sure this opens the door to many authors on the blog creating a similar version!! Please try, it is great fun. I tried to complete a full logical sentence using the whole alfabet from A-Z, but perhaps it is up to a fellow writer on the blog to exceed the first one here.

— Don Jan


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  1. Anonymous

    June 17, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    Great idea, Jan. I have to think a bit but I like your alpha style and maybe we all could just pick 26 different words . . .

  2. Anonymous

    June 17, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    Well done, Jan! This is a fun idea! The X being the hardest of the lot but there is always one tough nut to crack in a bunch….

  3. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 2:09 am

    Here are my words of Errol's qualities for his birthday!
    Ace, Aura, Bewitching, Buoyant, Cultured, Challenger, Distinguished, Dazzling, Elegant, Effective, Fearless, Fabulous, Gallant, Glorious, He-Man, Horseman, Incredible, Intense, Joyful, Joker, Kingpin, Kisser, Lithe, Legendary, Mannered, Mesmeric, Natural, Nautical, Original, Orator, Protagonist, Passion, Quality, Question-Mark, Raconteur, Refined, Sophisticated, Seaman, Thespian, Tolerant, Universal, Uplifting, Vivacious, Vigorous, Writer, Whiz, Xero-Wit, Xebec-Sailor, Yarn, Yearning, Zealous, Zingy!

  4. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 5:49 am

    Hi Tina,
    Great piece of work. Xebec was a word I also wanted to use but didn't qualify as that describes a ship with 3 masts. (I also do a lot of sleuthing)
    I like Xerox, so we could copy him. But really it would be nice to have the real Errol here in our life time. At least he is spiritually still with us.

  5. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Very nice, you two. As this cannot be topped, here's my attempt at a sentence:
    A brown-eyed, clever devil erring from grandiose heights into juicy knackering mix-ups, not often planning, querying resolutely, stirring, teasing, uttering very waywardly xcellent zest (for life).
    Don't know if this counts as a sentence and makes any sense in English, but it was a nice idea, Jan, one which I frequently use in my own teaching for the revision of vocabulary.

  6. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 8:57 am

    Hi Inga, the question is…………………………..who teaches the teacher? (ha!!)
    I was a dreadful student at school wasting my valuable time in learning, I learned my experiences “in the street” so to speak, if you know what I mean.
    I once told one of my teachers (if you can call them that!) if he knew so much why wasn't he rich. Obviously the dumb head didn't have a clue what it meant, shows you he wasn't clever at all! That earned me an immediate dismissal from his class and subsequently once again a little trip to the Head Master's office. I should have had a season ticket, I was a frequent visitor.
    If I could do my school days all over again, I would do it in the same way as then. I was the Dutch Champion in Truancy between 1960 and 1971. I am still waiting for a medal as big as a dust bin lid and twice as heavy for the immense efforts I put into it!! Some talent never gets awarded apparently.

  7. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Finding words with X is difficult as anybody knows – I just gave him an extra mast for strength.
    Xerox – copy Errol? Ha! Keep on dreaming – not in a million years can anybody come close to Errol! Anybody who would try to copy him is with his efforts that many light years away as the furthest star from earth and as the Universe is endless I am sure you could imagine how far that is!
    Dreams are made for dreaming! There are lots of impersonators around yet nobody to date tried to impersonate Errol because it is impossible!

  8. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    I do feel sorry for your teachers because I know how they must have felt dealing with pupils like you. It's sad that they and you fail to see the other side of the story.

  9. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    Hi Jan;
    The English poet Thomas Gray stated it very well: “Ignorance is bliss” and also the saying “What one doesn't know will not hurt you!” You obviously must live a very blissful life – good for you!
    On the other hand Errol tried desperately to bridge the gap, realizing his great mistake at school, he became an ardent autodidact to fill the void and succeeded wonderfully by ending up as an educated person.

  10. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 4:31 pm

    By the way Jan, I forgot to mention that my daughter is one who teaches the teachers at University level to further their education as it is a subject one never can have enough!
    Furthermore, as the old parenthood proverb goes “If you can't leave money to your children at least give them a good education!”
    Food for thought?!?
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    Hi Inga;
    Thank you and yours is wonderfully thought out – great work and great thinking! Words are so powerful and educational when it come to express oneself intelligently and most of all with thought and depth in contrast of facetious expressions intending to be amusing but quite inappropriately. Keep up the good work! You know that I love words as we often discussed!

  12. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    Thanks, Tina. By the way, it's Saturday – looking forward to the solution of Patti's quiz question!

  13. Anonymous

    June 18, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    Yes Patti:
    We are Waiting as I would like to place my call today otherwise he might go sailing and I would miss him, but maybe he has an extension on board!
    Wish me luck!