Quiz Question: If I may? Who Am I?

06 Jul

Hey Guys,

I don't normally participate, mainly because my knowledge on Flynn is pretty limited but I do have a question.

Who Am I?

I was born in Boston, Massachussets, the youngest of three brothers; all of whom worked in the movie industry. I made close to 200 films during a very varied career and worked with Errol Flynn.
My middle name is Waldo.

More clues if needed.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


Posted in QUIZ PAGE


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  1. Anonymous

    July 6, 2011 at 9:00 pm

    Juppieh… at last one to have a chance. Wow, Brian, that was difficult, I had to turn everything upside down but with the right keywords, google knows everything – and imdb lists you all the famous people born in Boston. All that was left to do was to read through the names and look out for one that sounds familiar. Then double-check his bio and voilà:
    Ralph Waldo Ince, directing Errol in Murder at Monte Carlo.
    Thank you for your participation, you should have done it before and who if not you has got Flynn knowledge, eh????!!!! Mr Understatement!

  2. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    Hi Inga,
    Correct… I was hoping it would prove a little more difficult.
    best wishes,

  3. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    It WAS difficult – read what I've had to do to find out! Next time, maybe we leave it open for a while without saying if it's correct so that others can have a guess, too?

  4. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    Great question.

  5. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    I thought it was unfairly difficult. My guess was Ralph Waldo Emerson

  6. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 6:12 pm

    That was my first idea, too… the only Waldo I had heard of in my life.
    And YOU speak of UNFAIRLY DIFFICULT… ayayay…

  7. Anonymous

    July 7, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    That was the Waldo that came to mind for me….